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Expert Comment: IMF extends debt service relief for 25 low-income countries

Dr Celine Tan of Warwick Law School comments: "The release of the fifth and final tranche of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust (CCRT) will be a small but limited contribution to alleviating the debt crisis developing countries are facing in the wake of COVID-19.

Tue 21 Dec 2021, 16:36 | Tags: Research, Staff in action, Expert Comment

New podcast series explores consent in legal history and in courtrooms today

A new podcast series commissioned by legal historian Dr Laura Lammasniemi and produced by Narrative Matters, explores the history of sexual consent and asks whether understanding that history can help tackle present-day problems in securing convictions for sexual offences.

The Age of Consent features thirteen expert voices, from academics to rape crisis workers and journalists, invited by Dr Lammasniemi to bring their own perspectives to the conversation.

Thu 09 Dec 2021, 14:53 | Tags: Research, Staff in action, Podcast

WLS in Feelings of Freedom Festival

Join Law School colleagues plus many more from Thursday 25 - Friday 26 November for an engaging series of talks about freedom. This festival of culture and ideas was organised as part of the Resonate Festival/Coventry UK City of Culture, 2021 in collaboration with Warwick Arts Centre. Over two days these talks and provocations will explore what freedom means to different people in different contexts. A number of our Law School colleagues will be presenting at the event. Sign up to join them. Tickets are free.

Mon 22 Nov 2021, 09:00 | Tags: Research, Staff in action

Student Article: Who should pay up for Climate Carnage?

Current PhD student Harpreet Kaur Paul's article on 'Who should pay up for Climate Carnage?' has been featured in Novara Media this month.

Harpreet is also co-founder of Tipping Point UK, a movement which aims to help people from all communities and backgrounds use their power to take bold and regular action in order to win climate justice.

Mon 08 Nov 2021, 09:52 | Tags: Publication, Research, Student Achievement, PG News

Expert Comment: International Development Committee calls for easier access to ‘climate finance’ funds

The House of Commons International Development Committee has published a new report, Global Britain in demand: UK climate action and international development around COP26. Dr Celine Tan, Reader in Warwick Law School comments on the climate finance aspects of this, and the UK COP26 Presidency's Climate Finance Delivery Plan, published yesterday.

Tue 26 Oct 2021, 11:51 | Tags: Research, Staff in action, Expert Comment

New Research: Has COVID 19 undermined the rule of law?

The coronavirus pandemic has presented populist governments with a unique opportunity to implement authoritarian measures and to limit public scrutiny of their decisions and policies, argues Dr Andi Hoxhaj of Warwick Law School in a new paper published in the European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance.

Mon 04 Oct 2021, 16:54 | Tags: Research, Staff in action

James Harrison secures BA/Leverhulme Trust Fellowship

James Harrison has been awarded a British Academy/Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowships for the 2021-22 academic year. The fellowship allows James to work exclusively for a year on a project entitled ‘Reconceptualising international trade law: In search of a bounded, socially embedded and re-connected regime’.

Wed 28 Apr 2021, 14:30 | Tags: Research, Staff in action, Funding

BA/Leverhulme Grant to help fund Rohingya Refugee Research

Dr Simon Behrman, Associate Professor at Warwick Law School has been awarded a British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grant of £9,752 towards his project “Assessing Rights to Bangladeshi Citizenship of Stateless Rohingya Children.”

Tue 30 Mar 2021, 10:00 | Tags: Award, Research, Staff in action, Funding

New Book on Migration by Professor Dallal Stevens

Released this month and published by Manchester University Press, the new book Reclaiming Migration: Voices from Europe's 'Migrant Crisis' was co-authored by Warwick Law School’s Dallal Stevens, Vicki Squire and Nick Vaughan-Williams (Department of Politics and International Studies) and Nina Perkowski (University of Hamburg).

Mon 29 Mar 2021, 16:11 | Tags: Publication, Research, Staff in action

Dallal Stevens comments on UK asylum overhaul

The UK government's Home Secretary, Priti Patel, has today announced a new system for people seeking asylum in Britain. Professor Dallal Stevens, an expert on asylum, claims much of what she is proposing is either (a) inaccurate, (b) unrealistic, (c) existed previously or (d) unlikely to achieve her goals.

Wed 24 Mar 2021, 14:18 | Tags: Research, Staff in action, Expert Comment

Dr Sekalala wins ISRF Grant to support African Health App Project

Dr Sharifah Sekalala, Associate Professor at Warwick Law School, has been awarded a £5k ISRF grant to support her project: ‘There is no app for that, regulating health apps in Sub Saharan Africa.’

Fri 22 Jan 2021, 16:03 | Tags: Award, Research, Staff in action, Funding

ELI Publishes Pilot Innovation Paper on Guiding Principles

The European Law Institute (ELI), an independent non-profit organisation that connects over 1,600 legal professionals and organisations from Europe and beyond, published an Innovation Paper on ‘Guiding Principles for Updating the Product Liability Directive for the Digital Age’ prepared by the Law School's Professor Christian Twigg-Flesner.

Fri 22 Jan 2021, 13:13 | Tags: Publication, Research, Staff in action

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