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Carolina Alonso Bejarano wins Andrés Torres Paper Series Award

The Mauricio Gastón Institute is pleased to announce Warwick Law School’s Dr Carolina Alonso Bejarano as one of the 2019 Andrés Torres Paper Series Awardees, supported by the Hildreth-Stewart Charitable Foundation.

Mon 28 Sept 2020, 14:50 | Tags: Award, Staff in action

James Harrison wins JCMS Best Article Prize

The Journal of Common Market Studies has announced the winners of their Best Article Prize for 2019 as Governing Labour Standards through Free Trade Agreements: Limits of the European Union's Trade and Sustainable Development Chapters.

Mon 21 Sept 2020, 09:30 | Tags: Award, Publication, Staff in action

Warwick Law Graduate named as Future Lawyer of the Year Finalist

Payal Shah who recently graduated from our three year LLB degree has beat off stiff competition to be named as a finalist for The Future Lawyer of the Year Award 2020 sponsored by Allen & Overy.

Thu 13 Aug 2020, 11:00 | Tags: Award, Student Achievement, undergraduate

Law Graduates win OSCAs

We are delighted to announce that two of our recent graduates have been awarded The University’s Outstanding Student Contribution Award (OSCA) for 2020.

Tue 11 Aug 2020, 10:00 | Tags: Award, Student Achievement, undergraduate

Warwick Law School Top Performers for 2020

Every year, several awards and prizes are granted to a selection of our finalists to recognise and celebrate the success of our top performers! We are proud to announce this year's award winners.

Wed 05 Aug 2020, 09:18 | Tags: Award, Student Achievement, undergraduate

WATE 2020 Commendee: Illan Wall

The winners and commendees for the 2020 Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence (WATE) have been announced and the Law School's Dr Illan Wall is on the list. Congratulations Illan.

Wed 22 Jul 2020, 11:38 | Tags: Award, Staff in action

Law graduate secures prestigious scholarship to study at Oxford

June Ong who graduated from our three year LLB programme in June 2019 has been awarded the Rhodes scholarship as a representative of Malaysia for her studies on the (Bachelor of Civil Law) BCL course, followed by an MPhil in Law. She will be a member of Lady Margaret Hall.

Thu 16 Apr 2020, 11:27 | Tags: Alumni, Award

Warwick Law School Top Performers

Each year, we present the students who achieved the best overall result in their class with a certificate and a small prize. The presentations took place at our graduation reception following on from the ceremony.

Thu 23 Jan 2020, 15:00 | Tags: Alumni, Award, PG News, graduation

Inaugural recipient of Dwijen Rangnekar Award announced

The Law School is proud to announce that Arvind Narrain, former postgraduate law student at the University of Warwick has been named as the inaugural recipient of our Dwijen Rangnekar award for contributions to social justice.

Wed 22 Jan 2020, 09:00 | Tags: Alumni, Award, PG News

Warwick Law student awarded Freshfields Stephen Lawrence Scholarship

First year Warwick law student Daniel Nwanebu has been awarded the 2019 Freshfields Stephen Lawrence Scholarship.

The Scheme was devised to address the disproportionate under-representation of black men from less privileged backgrounds in large commercial law firms and the City of London.

Thu 24 Oct 2019, 08:42 | Tags: Award, Feature, Funding, Student Achievement, undergraduate

Law colleagues receive Long Service Awards

Congratulations to Shaheen Ali and Jacqueline Hodgson for receiving their long service awards.

Fri 18 Oct 2019, 10:00 | Tags: Award, Staff in action

Warwick Law win SSLC of the year

We are delighted to announce that the Law School’s Staff Student Liaison Committee won ‘SSLC of the year’ at the Student Union Representation Awards on Friday. The awards aim to recognise and celebrate the amazing achievements in, and contributions to, academic representation and democracy at Warwick SU.

Wed 15 May 2019, 11:13 | Tags: Award, Student Achievement, undergraduate

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