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News and Events

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Faculty of Social Sciences News Read more from Faculty of Social Sciences News

Centre for Applied Linguistics Read more from Latest News

Centre for Education Studies Read more from Education Studies News and Events

Warwick Education Studies events at the Festival of Social Sciences!

Join our Education Studies staff running events across this national festival. Our events include

‘Mental Health and Philosophy: The Disquieted Life Podcast Series’, and

‘Cracking: an audio play on fathers’ mental health’.

Events are wholly online and open to the public! For the full Warwick schedule and how to participate see:

Thu 12 Nov 2020, 11:00 | Tags: Emma Williams, Events, Society Strand, interdisciplinary

Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies Read more from CIM News

Centre for Lifelong Learning Read more from News

Economics Read more from News

ESRC Doctoral Training Centre Read more from ESRC DTP News

Institute for Employment Research Read more from IER News & blogs

Law Read more from Warwick Law School News

Politics and International Studies Read more from News

Philosophy Read more from Philosophy News

Sociology Read more from News

Centre for Teacher Education Read more from News