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Dominic Kelly

Dom & Sam Associate Professor of Politics and International Studies

Room: E1.22
Tel.: 024765-23324

Advice & Feedback Hours:

All online via MS Teams.

Term 1: TBC

Term 2: TBC

Term 3: By appointment

No Advice & Feedback Hours in Reading Weeks or during Vacations.

I am Associate Fellow of the Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, and an Honorary Fellow of the Political Economy Research Centre (now SPERI) at the University of Sheffield.

I received an MA in International Studies and a PhD from the University of Sheffield, and joined the Department of Politics and International Studies in 2000. I was awarded the Political Studies Association Sir Bernard Crick Prize for Outstanding Teaching in Political Studies in 2003/4, and received a Postgraduate Certificate in Post-Compulsory Education from the University of Warwick in April 2005. I have been external examiner at the universities of Nottingham and Sheffield. I have been external examiner on PhD Viva Committees both in the UK and abroad.


I usually teach four modules at MA Level: The Nuclear Question (PO9D3); The Global Politics of Nuclear Weapons (PO9C8); The Politics of International Trade (PO9D4); and Issues and Cases in the Politics of International Trade (PO9C1). I also teach one undergraduate module, Dynamics of Nuclear Proliferation (PO3A1), to third year undergraduates.

For the 2024/55 session I am on study leave.

Term 1:

  • Dynamics of Nuclear Proliferation (PO3A1)
  • The Global Politics of Nuclear Weapons (PO9C8)
  • The Politics of International Trade (PO9D4)

Term 2:

  • The Nuclear Question (PO9D3)
  • Issues and Cases in International Trade (PO9C1)
  • I am also contributing to Race and International Politics (PO3A8).

PhD Supervision

I have supervised a number of students to completion, many of whom have gone on to careers in academia both in the UK and abroad. I welcome high quality applications from potential doctoral students in the broad areas of nuclear politics and policy, trade politics, Japanese Foreign Policy, IPE theory, and theories of regionalism and regionalisation.

Please click here for a list of current and former PhD students for whom I have acted as either first- or co-supervisor.


There are four major strands to my research, 2 of which are currently active:

  • Nuclear Politics and Policy:
  1. I am writing a book on the political economy of long-term nuclear waste disposal.
  • The Political Economy of International Trade: Concurrent with the work on nuclear power and waste, I am working on a project examining India's contemporary trade policy and its impact at the WTO. Thus far, this work has appeared in print as a study of India's promotion of what I call 'developmental multilateralism'; and I hope to follow this up with a study of the relationship between India's pursuit of food security and its trade diplomacy.
  • Regionalism: This work has examined both the theory and practice of the rise of ‘new regionalism’ in international politics. It has focused primarily on East Asia but embraces also regional projects in the core of the world economy and across the North-South divide.
  • Government-Business-NGO Relations: This work has examined the unfolding relationship between states, inter- and non-governmental organisations and business in the context of regionalisation and globalisation. In particular, it has examined the role of the International Chamber of Commerce as a key actor in the global political economy and, since the announcement of a ‘Global Compact’ between business and the UN, as a key interlocutor between the public and private realms.


Please click here for a list of my publications.