Sofie Roehrig
Sofie is a PhD candidate at the Department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS) at the University of Warwick, part of a double PhD at the Chair of International Politics / Institute of Political Science at TU Dresden in Germany. She is supervised by Professor Özlem AtikcanLink opens in a new window and Professor Anna HolzscheiterLink opens in a new window.
In her role as a Research Associate at the trinational research project 'Framenet'Link opens in a new window, Sofie examines Framing in international debates on migration to Europe as well as modern slavery using Discourse Network Analysis (DNA). In her doctoral thesis, she explores the normative claims that underpin (feminist) foreign policy and compares how different actors construct these ideas through narratives. She is particularly interested in looking at migration policy as a foreign policy issue from the perspective of individuals who tend to be target populations of such policies, such as refugees.
Next to her academic work, Sofie is a Visual Artist and has written, directed, and produced a conceptual short film in 2022. She has facilitated several expressive art workshops with refugee groups in Berlin as a Creative Consultant for the NGO People Beyond Borders.
She has worked in International Development and Public Policy Consulting focussing on Conflict and Governance, as well as in the Tech sector. Here, she has worked with Chatham House, The Economist Intelligence Unit, Accenture, Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC), the former UK Department for International Development (DFID) and UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO), and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).
Sofie graduated with an MSc in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). She has earned her BA in Liberal Arts and Sciences at University College Maastricht (UCM), and completed an exchange study abroad at the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University (GW) in Washington, D.C. For her work and/or education, she has previously lived in Berlin (GER), London (UK), Brussels (Belgium), Washington, D.C. (US), Pune (India), Sapporo (Japan), and Yeosu (South Korea).
Peer-reviewed articles
Roehrig, S. (2017). Risk in EU Counter-Terrorism Policies: A Critical Analysis of Risk Assessment-Based Policy-Making. Wissenschaft & Sicherheit (WiSi). German Association for Security Studies. opens in a new window.
Conference Papers
Perucchio, G., Quadt, T., Roehrig, S., & Schockweiler, P. (2022). From Baghdad to Minsk: Refugees as Retaliation? Author & Roundtable Chair. 4. Konferenz des Netzwerks Fluchtforschung (28.-30. September 2022).
Atikcan, Ö. & Roehrig, S. (2022). Tracing Actor and Frame Interdependence in Global Policy Networks: The Field of Migration. 2022 American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Conference (15.-18. September 2022).
Roehrig, S. (2015). Emerging Security Alliances Challenging the Status Quo and U.S. Foreign Policy Towards Russia. Center for Strategic & International Studies. Panel Conference. Project on Nuclear Issues (PONI), Washington, D.C., opens in a new window.
Blog Posts
Roehrig, S., Bankova, G., & Weiss, P. (2020). The Agilification of Automation. Accenture Insights, 4 Mar. 2020, opens in a new window.
Roehrig, S., Bankova, G., & Weiss, P. (2019). Change is Coming: What Intelligent Automation Means for People. Accenture Insights, 19 Dec. 2019, opens in a new window.
Roehrig, S. (2015). ISIS, International Powers and the Complexity of the Syrian Civil War: An Interview with Professor Faress Jouejati. Glimpse from the Globe. University of Southern California. opens in a new window.
Roehrig, S. (2015). A New Edge in US Foreign Policy: Improving NATO-Russia Relations. Glimpse from the Globe. University of Southern California. opens in a new window.
Roehrig, S. (2015). Is Schengen Dead? Brussels, Burden-Sharing and the Future of Borders. Glimpse from the Globe. University of Southern California. opens in a new window.
Roehrig, S. (2015). The Greek Debt Crisis and European Solidarity. Glimpse from the Globe. University of Southern California. opens in a new window.
Roehrig, S. (2015). The European Refugee Crisis Part 2: Existing EU Policies and Responses. Glimpse from the Globe. University of Southern California. opens in a new window.
Roehrig, S. (2015). The Eurasian Union. Glimpse from the Globe. University of Southern California. opens in a new window.
Invited Talks
Roehrig, S. (2022). Sustainability in Politics: Critical perspectives on the German Government's approach. Grundvorlesung oekologische Nachhaltigkeit, Green Office TU Dresden.
Roehrig, S. (2020). Big Data for Social Development Policy. United Nations University. Lecture, opens in a new window.
Roehrig, S. (2015). Pragmatism & Justice in IR: R2P in Libya. Maastricht University. Lecture, opens in a new window.
Teaching & Supervision
At TU Dresden, Sofie has developed and taught the course "Migration Governance and the EU"; the language of instruction was English.
BA Thesis Supervisions (2nd Supervisor):
- Nina Elliott, 2022: Wie gestaltet sich nach intersektionaler Analyse der qualitative Einfluss der gleichstellungspolitischen Instrumente des Führungspositionengesetzes II auf die nationale Gleichstellungspolitik? (co-supervised with Prof. Nikita Dhawan, TU Dresden)
- Mirjam Kobold, 2023: Instrumentalisation of migration in the European Union (co-supervised with Prof. Nikita Dhawan, TU Dresden)
MA Thesis Supervisions (2nd Supervisor):
- Lara Sosa Popovic, 2022: A Discourse Network Analysis comparing the European Union's policy responses to refugees in 2015 and 2022 (co-supervised with Prof. Anna Holzscheiter, TU Dresden, & Dr. Natalie Welfens, Hertie School of Governance)