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Peter Wilson

I undertook my PhD in PAIS in October 2019 and submitted my thesis in April 2023. I previously completed an MSc in Political Theory and a BSc in Politics and Philosophy at the London School of Economics (LSE).

In 2022, I was also a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Law at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, under the supervision of Serena Olsaretti.


My research focused on labour market regulation and economic justice, investigating normative questions which lie at the intersection of politics, philosophy and economics.

My PhD research explored how labour market policymakers should respond to involuntary unemployment. In particular, I am investigating:

(1) Whether states can justify policies to create employment and the policies they ought to pursue.

(2) The possible trade-offs associated with attempts to reduce unemployment (e.g. risk of increasing inflation) and how to weigh up these trade-offs.

(3) How policymakers should respond to unemployment in the context of the future of work, particularly in light of the variety of effects technological change (e.g. automation) will have on the labour market.

I was supervised by Simon Caney and Tom Parr.

Other research interests include economic and social inequality, education and skills policy, tax policy, monetary policy, and worker participation in firm governance.


I was a Senior Graduate Teaching Assistant on the module Political Theory from Hobbes (PO201) from 2020-2022.