About Our Research
Our research vitality and excellence grew from the conscious embrace of pluralism in approach, theoretical underpinning, and methodology; and our exposure to different voices inside and outside academia.
We support colleagues to animate research projects, and write books and articles, that change the conversation in the discipline and reshape our world.
We work on: Comparative Politics; International Political Economy; International Relations and Security; Environmental Politics, and Political Theory. Our research brings together local, national, regional, transnational and global perspectives – exploring the UK, the EU and Europe, Africa, the Middle East, East Asia and North, Central and South America.
Supportive Research Environment
- We strive to help all colleagues carve out research space and generate the best possible outputs and impact.
- We prioritise ED&I and support for early career researchers with work in progress through peer mentoring, and events, including an annual Research Conference.
Our Research Goals
- Produce the key research monographs and journal articles that help define our discipline’s primary intellectual debates.
- Retain our distinctiveness as a methodologically and theoretically pluralist Department with a broad and inclusive understanding of what it means to undertake research and teaching in Politics and International Studies.
- Shape disciplinary conceptualisations of non-academic ‘impact’ and public engagement – and its enactment locally, nationally, internationally.
- Sustain wide-ranging and ethical International Research Collaborations, including in the Global South.
- Train and equip to the very highest world-leading standards the next generation of scholars in our discipline via an outstanding PhD programme based on high quality entry and progression standards and exacting post-doctoral mentoring.
- Enhance our international reputation for excellent and innovative research-led teaching and learning conditions at undergraduate and postgraduate taught levels.
Our Research Infrastructure
- Our supportive and inclusive research infrastructure combines clusters, centres and networks.
- The ensemble creates a complex and mutually supportive ecosystem of research. It is built through groups that nurture and sustain a flexible, vibrant departmental research community.
- How we organise ourselves is designed to support colleagues with their writing and publications, with their impact, public engagement and outreach work, and with securing research funding to underpin their research agendas.
- We sustain a range of international collaborative relationships with Universities and research centres around the globe, including in the Global South.
Our Research
Our research forefronts how we might all live well together. We look at how fairness and justice might be delivered to everyone. We study the interactions between individuals and the governance structures that shape experience locally, nationally, regionally and globally, and the political, ideological, economic, social and cultural structures that impact our lives for better or worse. Our research reveals the struggles through which everyday life is reproduced, how resistance emerges and develops, and examines visions of the future that follow from asking how things might be different.
Find out about more our research impact and engagement here
Research Clusters
These are the key organisational form for PAIS research activity and collaboration, representing the broad areas of the subject field in which we are most active; Comparative Politics; International Political Economy; International Relations and Security; Environmental Politics, and Political Theory.
Research clusters also assume responsibility for organising the delivery of the department’s core undergraduate and postgraduate research-led teaching. They are inclusive spaces which support the work of early career scholars, and generate intellectually creative exchanges within our community.
Research Centres
Our Research Centres reflect substantive topics in which we have built notable strengths. They include:Centre for Studies in Democratisation
Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation
Centre for Ethics, Law and Public Affairs
Warwick Interdisciplinary Research Centre for International Development
Research Networks
We also host and support interdisciplinary research networks that focus on a range of themes and areas, including: