Just Eco-Geo-Political Futures

Cluster overview
What are the (im)possibilities of justice in a future that is subject to critical planetary, geopolitical, material & technological transformation? How do ecologies, environments, more-than-human, & digitalised relationships intersect with matters of social and geo-political injustice? How do critical race and anti/post/de-colonial studies, political sociology, design, feminist, queer, social and cultural theory offer insights for the search for justice in amidst multiple crises? And how does the need to imagine just futures as possible change our perspectives on the present/past?
Scholars in the Just Eco-Geo-Political Futures Cluster explore a diversity of issues such as political cultures, authority & sovereignty; colonial ecologies, extractivism, environmental pollution and conflict; race, surveillance, human rights and citizenship in the digital age; more-than-human relations; religion and nationalism. We share in an understanding of emergent planetary and material realities as inseparable from the longstanding questions of justice, especially relating to racism, colonialism, citizenship, democracy, sexuality, reproductive-politics, and human-animal relations. Navigating emergent terrains of planetary, ecological, and digital sociology, theory and interdisciplinary-research we are developing practice for the present-future.
As part of the Department of Sociology, the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, and the Social Theory Centre we work to foster a convivial, creative and critical research culture by arranging symposia, talks, reading groups and (anti)masterclasses. We also meet regularly as a group committed to developing meaningful and supportive scholarly collaboration – taking the time to slow down, think and work together.
Cluster members
Academic staff
We also have a number of fantastic research students in the cluster.
Selected current research
Research Lead | Research Title | Research Type |
Claire Blencowe |
Spirits of extraction: Christianity, settler-colonialism and the geology of race |
Forthcoming book |
Nerea Calvillo |
A monograph with Columbia |
Nickie Charles |
Leverhulme Project |
Joe Davidson |
Climate Catastrophe, Apocalyptic Futures, and Black Social Thought |
Leverhulme ECF project |
Sara (Meg) Davis |
Botnar Foundation project |
Ulf Liebe |
Environmental Justice – Social Distribution, Justice Evaluations and Acceptance Levels of Unfavorable Local Environmental Conditions |
ESRC Good Digital Network project |
Goldie Osuri |
Sovereignty and (post) Coloniality |
Nisha Kapoor | Technologies, Surveillance, and Bordering Processes |
Sanjay Sharma |
Re-Imaging AI with Afrofuturist Speculative Design |
Jamie Shenk |
Legacies of armed conflict and environmental mobilization in Colombia |