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Surveys, Secondary Analysis and Social Statistics 2012-13






Class work exercise

Class work exercise II (Guidance notes)




Project titles

Week 5 project consideration and answers

Project guidelines

Example project

Project-related literature [and an update]

Project hints




The assessment for students attending the first two terms of the module differs slightly from the standard pattern of two 2,500 word essays, although the submission deadlines are the same, i.e. Tuesday 8 January 2013 and Tuesday 12 March 2013. (ASSESSED WORK MUST FIRST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY AND THEN MANUALLY TO JANE COOPER IN THE SOCIOLOGY RECEPTION BY 2PM ON THE DATES SHOWN).

The first piece of assessed work is 1,500 words (maximum) in length and counts 25% towards the total mark. It takes the form of the application of a multivariate statistical analysis technique to existing survey data, and is similar in scope to the first non-assessed piece of work submitted by full-year students taking the module.

The second piece of assessed work is 5,000 words (maximum) in length, to accommodate the possibility that content from the first piece of assessed work will be included. As such, it is expected in practice to be between 3,500 and 5,000 words in length. The second assessment counts 75% towards the total mark, with the mark for this assessment being focused on the 'new' content but taking account of the content viewed as a whole (e.g. in terms of coherence). The second assessment is the same as the standard assessment for the module, i.e. a secondary analysis-based project.




Draft examination structure

(NB The order of the sections has been changed since I produced this draft!)

Material relating to 'old-style' Q5 (Log-linear models)