Upgrades to WBS teaching rooms this summer
This summer we upgraded 4 WBS teaching rooms. Find out what has changed..
WBS Christmas closure 2012 - Access to buildings
WBS buildings are closed for some of the Christmas period. Find out where you can access when.
Warning of network outage - Wed Dec 19th 07.00 - 07.30 GMT
Advance warning of a network outage on Wednesday December 19th from 07.00 - 07.30 GMT
Nasty virus infection
We are currently seeing a few examples of a nasty virus infection on staff and student machines. We have taken a number of steps to address this.
All Staff Ricoh devices to be placed shortly
The university has re-tendered for its Multi-function device contract. This will see the imminent replacement of the current Ricoh devices by faster, colour (if you wish) Kyocera devices.