Advanced Workshop on Practice-based Studies
An international gathering dedicated to the study, advancement and future development of practice-based studies in organization, administrative and policy studies
2017 Edition
Moving practice forward: Drawing connections, exploring possibilities
University of Warwick, Coventry, 26-29 June 2017
Keynote speakers:
Joseph Rouse (Professor of Philosophy at Wesleyan University, USA)
Matt Watson (Senior Lecturer in Human Geography, University of Sheffield, UK)
Aims of the Workshop
The Advanced Workshop on Practice-based Studies is a yearly initiative aimed at the development and advancement of practice-based studies. By bringing together leading scholars both within the field and in related disciplines, the Workshop aims to become a primary centre for cutting edge thinking regarding this evolving development in the study of social, technological, and human phenomena.
It is organised in collaboration with the International Symposium Series on Process Organization Studies (PROS), and is programmatically multi-disciplinary, purposefully polemical, and open to a variety of approaches and sensitivities.
The Workshop is organised by members of the Warwick Process, Practice and Institutions (PPI) Research Programme, including Maja Korica, Davide Nicolini and Hari Tsoukas. It also builds on the successful run of the Warwick International Summer Schools on Practice-based Studies, which took place in 2013, 2014 and 2015, and shared the same organisers. Previous lecturers at the School included Ted Schatzki, Jack Whalen, Martha Feldman, Mika Pantzar, Dvora Yanow, Barbara Czarniawska, Jörgen Sandberg, Silvia Gherardi, Michel Anteby, Stephen Kemmis, Laurent Thévenot, and Paula Jarzabkowski.
Who should attend?
The Workshop is an 'advanced studies' initiative, aimed at participants who already have considerable familiarity with the practice approach, and are interested in examining how it might be meaningfully developed and advanced going forward. We particularly invite younger scholars, including advanced PhDs, early career researchers, and junior faculty working in related fields.
Our ethos
The Workshop is inclusive and open. We work via active participation, and aim to create a temporary learning community. We strive to design an event where open dialogue, discussion, and joint exploration generate learning and enrichment for all participants.
Location, fee and application process
Applicants will be selected based on the demonstrable alignment of their research topic with the aims of the Workshop, and the expected benefits from attending the event. The programme will include a PhD/early research clinic, during which participants will be offered the opportunity to discuss their research in groups of 3-4 people facilitated by more senior scholars in attendance.
The abstract should include three sections: topic and stage of current research/career, reasons for attending the event, and what you hope to gain from attending (and contributing to) the Workshop.
The Workshop will take place in one of the high quality conference facilities at the University of Warwick enabling us to charge a subsidised, inclusive and highly competitive fee. By staying on campus, lodging in the same venue and having all the daytime meals together we can expand the opportunities to continue conversations beyond and across sessions.
The all-inclusive, subsidised fee for the 2017 Workshop is £550
This includes 3 nights 4-star bed and breakfast accommodation (Monday 26 to Thursday 29 June), all lunches and refreshment breaks and two evening meals.
Please note:
- Applicants will be notified of acceptance by 13 March 2017—please do not send payment or make travel arrangements until you receive this notification.
- Participation is strictly limited to 35 places so early application is encouraged.
- The Workshop is run on a tight budget and is partly sponsored by the generous support of the KIN network.
- Accommodation for a fourth night on Thursday 29 June can be provided at cost if required.
The flyer for the event can be found here
Further information about the previous Summer Schools can be found here
Please contact with any questions