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Winter School 2019 Advances in Video Methods


Advances in Video Methods of Organizational Research: An International Symposium and Peer-Assistance Workshop

University of Warwick, Coventry, 19-20 March 2019

Organized by: Ila Bharatan & Davide Nicolini

Keynote Speakers:

Jon Hindmarsh (Professor of Work and Interaction at King’s College, London)

Rick Iedema (Professor & Director of the Centre for Team-based Practice & Learning in Health Care at King's College London)

Curtis LeBaron (Associate Professor of Organizational Leadership & Strategy at Brigham Young University)

Nick Llewellyn (Professor of Organization & Human Resource Management at University of Warwick)

Philippe Sormani (Senior Researcher & Board Member of the STS Lab at the University of Lausanne)


The symposium will review the state of art and recent advances in organizational video research methods. Some of the best scholars in the field will present their current work and discuss future directions by working through real-time data. We will also run a series of peer-assist sessions in which expert and participants will help presenters to address theoretical and practical issues concerning the analysis and interpretation of video data.


Day one of the symposium will consist of the keynote presentations and closing panel discussion. The second day will consist of a masterclass on video analysis, which will be a data session around the topic of “I’ve collected my video data, now what?”


The workshop will take place at the Teaching Centre, Warwick Business School at the University of Warwick on Tuesday, March 19th at 9 am and finish on Wednesday, March 20th at 4 pm.

Who Should Attend?

Early career scholars or Ph.D. students who are interested in empirically grounded work that uses video methods for data collection either on their own or in conjunction with other research methods.


Spaces are limited to 45 participants so early application is encouraged.

To apply as a participant, please just let us know why you are interested in the Symposium and your relevant level of expertise by January 25th to We need this info to help presenter to pitch their contribution at the right level.

To apply for one of the peer-assist sessions as a presenter please send us a separate short description of the video data you want help with, at what stage your work is, and what you expect to gain from the session by January 25th.

Participants are encouraged to bring posters of their work on video data which will be exhibited pre and post dinner on March 19. Please let us know if you intend to bring a poster.

Applications will be selected based on a demonstrable alignment of the project with the theme of the workshop. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by February 5th. Please do not send payment or make travel arrangements until you receive this notification.

  • The fee for the event is £150 (this is to cover our live costs). A reduced fee will be applied to those who can only come for one day.

The fee includes refreshments, lunch, and dinner. Registrations (which requires paying the fee in full) will close on March 1st. For more information on the workshop please contact or




Video Camera Image

The flyer for the event can be found hereLink opens in a new window

Please contact or in case of any questions.