Kenneth Amaeshi
Kenneth Amaeshi is a former Research Fellow of IKON at Warwick Business School. His research focuses on commercialization of intellectual property assets; governance of global innovation networks; R&D partnerships; sustainable innovation; multinational corporations and corporate social responsibility in developing economies. Prior to joining academia, he worked as a management consultant to multinational corporations in oil and gas, financial services, telecommunication and aviation industries in Africa and Europe. He has recently completed a research project on The Dynamics of Networked Innovation: barriers to knowledge transfer, which compared the US and UK institutional contexts of scientific entrepreneurship and financing of early stage science. The research project was jointly funded by the Cambridge-MIT Institute and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), United Kingdom. He is currently studying the exploitation strategy of an EU aerospace R&D network ( in conjunction with the Warwick Manufacturing Group.
Kenneth is currently a lecturer at Cranfield University and is working on a number of journal outputs/book chapters from both his research project and PhD research.
Journal Articles
Amaeshi, K., Osuji, O. K., and Nnodim, P. (forthcoming). Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains of Global Brands: A Boundaryless Responsibility? Clarifications, exceptions and implications, Journal of Business Ethics (accepted)
Jackson, T., Amaeshi, K. and Yavuz, S. (forthcoming).Untangling African Indigenous Management: Multiple influences on the success of SMEs in Kenya, Journal of World Business (accepted)
Adi., B., Amaeshi, K., and Nnodim, P. (2007). Revisiting Rational Choice and Rationality Debate in the Social Sciences, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Amaeshi, K. and Adi, A. B. C. (2007). Reconstructing the Corporate Social Responsibility Construct in Utlish. Business Ethics: A European Review
Amaeshi, K and Crane, A., (2006). Stakeholder Engagement: A Mechanism for Sustainable Aviation, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
Amaeshi, K., Adi, A. B. C., Ogbechie, C. and Amao, O. O. (2006). Corporate Social Responsibility in Nigeria: Western Mimicry or Indigenous Influences?. Journal of Corporate Citizenship
Amaeshi, K, (2001). Computer mediated communication technologies (CMCTs) and job satisfaction., Ife Psychologia, 10:100-113
Amaeshi, K, (2001). Maximising Training Benefits and Minimising Training Costs: The Knowledge Management Approach, Petroleum Training Journal, 1
Book Chapters
(forthcoming). The Dynamics of Networked Innovation. In: H. Scarbrough (Ed.) The Evolution of Business Knowledge, Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK
Journal Articles under Review
Amaeshi, K. Who matters to UK and German firms? Modelling stakeholder salience through corporate social reports. Under review with Accounting, Organizations and Society
Amaeshi, K. M. Fairness: A spiritual dimension to stakeholder engagement practice. Under review with Business Ethics: A European Review. Status: Revise and Resubmit
Amaeshi, K., Ezeoha, A. E., Adi, B. and Nwafor, M. Financial Exclusion and Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: A missing link in sustainable finance discourse? Journal of International Development Status: Revise and Resubmit
Scarbrough, H., Amaeshi, K., Briggs, T. and Carlile, P. It’s not personal…it’s strictly business: The role of trust in the commercialization of early-stage technology. Under Review with Journal of Management Studies
Amao, O. O. and Amaeshi, K. Galvanising Shareholder Activism: A Prerequisite for Effective Corporate Governance and Accountability in Nigeria. Under Review with Journal of Business Ethics
Other publications (including conference and working paper series)
Amaeshi, K. (2007). Who matters to UK and German firms? Modelling stakeholder salience through corporate social reports, Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation (CSGR) Working Paper Series, University of Warwick
Amaeshi, K., Scarbrough, H., and Moore, R. (2007). Institutional co-entrepreneurship and the transnationalisation of the EU aerospace sector: a discourse analytic perspective Technology, Innovation and Institutions Working Paper Series, the University of
Amao, O. O. and Amaeshi, K. (2007). Galvanising Shareholder Activism: A Prerequisite for Effective Corporate Governance and Accountability in Nigeria, Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation (CSGR) Working Paper Series, University of Warwick
Amaeshi, K., Scarbrough, H., and Moore, R. (2007). Institutionalisation process of collaborative product development practices in EU aerospace sector: A discourse analytic perspective, accepted for the EGOS 2007 Conference
Amaeshi, K., Osuji, O. K. and Nnodim, P. (2007). Corporate Control and Accountability in supply chains of Multinational Corporations: Clarifications and Managerial Implications. ICCSR Research Paper Series - ISSN 1479-5124
Amaeshi, K. and Scarbrough, H. (2006). Does trust matter? Exploring the link between investment decisions and trustworthiness in knowledge markets. EBK working paper series
Amaeshi, K. and Scarbrough, H. (2006). The enactment of market for ideas in early stage commercialization, presented the EGOS 2006 conference, Bergen, Norway
Amaeshi, K, and Adi, A.B.C. (2006). Corporate Social Responsibility as deinstitutionalization of corruption in developing economies: a case study of Nigeria. Beyond CSR? Business, Poverty and Social Justice Conference 22 May 2006, National Liberal Club, London
Amaeshi, K and Amaeshi,
Amaeshi, K. (2004). Exporting ethics. HERO Publications
Amaeshi, K. (2004). Stakeholder Framework Analysis of the Meaning and Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility: A North-South Comparison. The World Bank Institute and the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research at the Wharton School of Business Essay and Research Competition on "The Role of Business in Development—Future Leaders' Perspectives" finalist papers
Amaeshi, K. (2004). Fairness: A spiritual dimension to effective stakeholder management, The Institute for Ethics and Spirituality in Business International and Ecumenical Conference, Loyola University New Orleans
Amaeshi, K. (2004). Mind your business: should companies be responsible for the practices of their suppliers?, The ERP Environment Business Strategy and the Environment Conference, Devonshire Hall, The University of Leeds, UK
Amaeshi, K. (2004). Theorising Organisational Ethical Orientation, the 8th European Business Ethics Network-UK Association [EBEN-UK] Annual Conference & The 6th Ethics and Human Resource Management Conference, The Management School, University of Edinburgh
Amaeshi, K. (2002). Enhancing Organisational Knowledge Acquisition: The Joint Corporate Virtual University Approach, Conference Proceedings of the Human Resources Development Across Europe, Napier University, Edinburgh
Amaeshi, K. (2002). Ethical dimensions of organisational culture: Implications for socially responsible HRM, The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management 17th Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management, LIMAK, Linz Austria