Nikiforos Panourgias
Dr Nikiforos Panourgias is Research Fellow at the Unit for the study of Innovation, Knowledge and Organisational Networks of Warwick Business School. He is currently working on an ESRC-funded research project studying interdisciplinarity in the design and development of computer games. Prior to WBS he was studying for his PhD at the London School of Economics. His thesis, supported financially by the EPSRC, studied the design and development of an information and communication technology based platform for the cross-border settlement of securities transactions between the UK and Ireland, France, Belgium, and Holland. While at the LSE he was also a Research Student at the Centre for the Assessment of Risk and Regulation (CARR) for two years and taught on the subject of e-commerce.
His main research interests are in the areas of heterogeneity in the design and development of ICTs and the role of ICTs in the reconfiguration of many areas of social life, from games and entertainment to markets and marketplaces, commerce, economic and political integration, and finance. Prior to his thesis, he worked at the ISI Group of the LSE as Research Officer under Dr Susan Scott on the Moving Markets project that studied the strategic use of ICTs in clearing and settlement arrangements in the reconfiguration of financial markets.