Power, Knowledge and Knowledge Management: A Study of Interactive Innovation
This research is exploring the implications of interactive innovation processes for shifts in power and knowledge of different occupational and professional groups in the UK. The research is using the innovation of Knowledge Management (KM) to investigate this theme. KM has been heralded as a major new approach to the problems of competitiveness facing firms in an era where knowledge is considered a key resource. The research aims to examine the ways in which the discourse of KM is being developed and diffused by different interest groups in the UK and to study the ways in which KM is being implemented and appropriated within particular firms to empower some groups and disempower others.
The broad objectives of the project are therefore:
- To understand how the institutional context may influence the development, diffusion and implementation of this interactive innovation
- To understand how the development and implementation of this interactive innovation process influences the success or otherwise of knowledge creation and knowledge sharing - the espoused outcomes of KM
Research Output
Conference Papers
Land, C., Bresnen, M. and Swan, J. (2003) 'Power, Knowledge and Knowledge Management: Researching the dynamics of Community Based Approaches to KM', presented at EGOS 19th Colloquium, Copenhagen.
Robertson, M., Swan, J. & Bresnen, M. (2002) 'Shifting rhetorics and the power of the gaze: the introduction of operational excellence in Pharmco', presented at EGOS, Barcelona
Bresnen, M., Robertson, M. & Swan, J. (2002) 'The role of professional networks in the shaping of knowledge management fashion', presented at EGOS, Barcelona.
Please note that reprints of these publications are available from Dawn Coton. Please email details of your institution, full postal address and the paper you require.