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Gillmore Centre Academic Conference 2024

Warwick Business School Gillmore Centre Academic Conference

DeFi & Digital Currencies - The Shard. London 28 September 2024

The conference will bring together an international group of leading scholars conducting innovative theoretical and empirical research on DeFi and digital currencies. Sessions include Decentralized Exchanges, DeFi Lending, Digital Currencies and Regulation and CBDCs. And will continue to build on the growing Gillmore Centre research community and stimulate debate and future research on emerging financial technologies, practices, and regulation.

Register here.Link opens in a new window

Organised by Olga Klein, Roman Kozhan, David Skeie, Ruslan Sverchkov, Ganesh Viswanath-Natraj and Zhengge Zhou

Agenda Saturday 28 September

08.45 – 09.00

Registration and refreshments

09.00 – 09.05

Welcome and opening remarks - David Skeie (WBS Gillmore Centre)

Session 1

Decentralized Exchanges

09.05 - 9.50

Decentralized Exchanges for Near-Money Assets 

Presenter: Natasha Rostova (EPFL and SFI), with Wenqian Huang (BIS) and Zhaogang Song (John Hopkins).

Discussant: Stefan Scharnowski (Mannheim)

09.50 – 10.35

The DeFi Dilemma”

Presenter: Aron Bodisz (Vienna), with Nikolaus Hautsch (Vienna) and Stefan Voigt (Copenhagen).

Discussant: Alfred Lehar (Calgary)

10.35 - 11.00

Coffee break

Session 2

Keynote Address

11.00 – 12.00

The Evolution of DeFi: Achievements, Challenges, and the Road Ahead”

Presenter: Agostino Capponi (Columbia).

12.00 – 12:30

Labyrinth: Empowering User-Owned Privacy in the Blockchain

Presenter: Amit Chaudhary (Labyrinth)

12.30 – 13.30


Session 3

DeFi Lending, Digital Currencies and Regulation

13.30 – 14.15

Phantom Liquidity in Decentralized Lending”

Presenter: Andreas Park (Toronto), with Jona Stinner (Witten/Herdecke).

Discussant: Kathy Yuan (LSE)

14.15 – 15.00

Green Coins: Fintech for Emissions Regulation”

Presenter: Max Croce (Bocconi) with Nicolas Guinez (Bocconi), Thien Nguyen (Fed Board), Danil Parfenov (Bocconi) and Claudio Tebaldi (Bocconi).

Discussant: Julien Prat (Ensae Paris)

15.00 – 15.45

How Does Payment for Order Flow Influence Markets?”

Presenter: Thomas Shohfi (SEC), with Thomas Boulton (Miami) and Michael Walz (SEC).

Discussant: Ailsa Roell (Imperial)


Coffee break

Session 4


16.15 – 17.00

CBDC and Banks: Threat or Opportunity”

Presenter: Martina Fraschini (Luxembourg), with Luciana Somoza (ESSEC)and Tammaro Terracciano (IESE)

Discussant: Alistair Milne (Loughborough)

17.00 – 17.45

CBDC and Banks: Disintermediating fast and slow”

Presenter: Rhys Bidder (King’s Business School), with Timothy Jackson (Liverpool) and Matthias Rottner (Deutsche Bundesbank)

Discussant: Benjamin Hemingway (Bank of England)

17.45 – 17.55

Closing remarks - Roman Kozhan (WBS Gillmore Centre)

18.30 – late

 Drinks and dinner - Programme participants and programme committee members invited

We thank the programme committee for its time in evaluating the submissions.

Programme Committee: Joseph Abadi, Bruno Biais, James Chapman, Darrell Duffie, Rod Garratt, Wenqian Huang, Olga Klein, Roman Kozhan, Michael Kumhof, Alfred Lehar, Simon Mayer, Fahad Saleh, David Skeie, Ruslan Sverchkov, Ganesh Viswanath Natraj, Kathy Yuan, Zhengge Zhou.

 Conference Manager: Katherine Higton

Further Information:

The Gillmore Centre for Financial Technology is based in Warwick Business School but draws membership across the University of Warwick and beyond. The Gillmore Centre conducts world-class, cutting-edge research at the intersection of finance and technology. It aims to reinforce Warwick's already formidable interdisciplinary environment, helping to tie together further departmental excellence with the Centre as a research hub exploring the transformative impact of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, mobile payments, cryptocurrencies and crowdfunding platforms. The £3m donation by Clive Gillmore, founder and group chief executive of Mondrian Investment Partners, enables Warwick to continue attracting the world’s best academics and postgraduates. The Gillmore Centre builds on Warwick Business School’s global reputation and core disciplines while infusing the aligned fields of computer science, law and mathematics alongside deep tech innovation to drive applied research with industry partners and start-ups.