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Dan Philps webinar on LLMs in Investment Management: Risk and Opportunity

Dan Philps and Alan Lok were Keynotes at the CFA Society Singapore event. They presented a webinar on applying LLMs to investment management and finance.

Wed 03 Jul 2024, 16:35 | Tags: Dan Philps, LLM

Generative AI will revolutionise the proptech sector - Finextra

Ram Gopal discusses how at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, tens of thousands of Britons found themselves racing against the clock to complete their home purchases, as a deadline loomed for the expiration of a property tax relief measure. Offering savings of up to £15,000, the relief had spurred a surge in transactions that overwhelmed estate agents, surveyors, and lawyers involved in the cumbersome process of property transactions.

Mon 24 Jun 2024, 17:12 | Tags: AI & Machine Learning Ram Gopal

#GenAI Market Scenario Hackathon Winners

Congrats to Szymon Kubiak for leading the team to victory, with a cutting-edge #GenAI approach in the competition *Market Scenario Generator Hackathon: From Stability to Storms* organised by Hao Ni and Jiajie Tao of UCL with support from EPSRC and The Alan Turing Institute.


Thu 13 Jun 2024, 16:58 | Tags: Dan Philps AI & Machine Learning Ram Gopal

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