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Who’s Speaking, Machine or Man? How Generative AI Distorts Human Sentiment

Yi Ding, Ashkan Eshghi, Ram Gopal, Yifei Wang have been working on this paper and presented this Workshop on Information Technology and Systems, Copenhagen, Denmark 2022.

Wed 11 Oct 2023, 11:55 | Tags: Yi Ding, Ashkan Eshghi, LLM, Ram Gopal

Government pledges to recruit 2,500 tech talents

Up to 2,500 ambitious tech talents will be recruited into digital roles in government by June 2025 through new apprenticeship and early talent programmes, the Cabinet Office has announced. Dr Yi Ding has commented on this topic

Mon 09 Oct 2023, 11:24 | Tags: Yi Ding AI & Machine Learning Digital Economy

The Great Exodus: Young Tech Talents Opt for Greener Pastures

Discovering the Real Reasons Behind the Migration Trends of Young Tech Professionals in the UK

§ 85% of the youth believe relocating offers better job prospects.

§ Regional disparities observed, with over 90% feeling the need to move in areas like the north-east, Yorkshire, and the east of England.

§ Experts suggest businesses must increase inclusivity and embrace the untapped potential within regional tech hubs.

Wed 04 Oct 2023, 10:00 | Tags: Yi Ding Teaching

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