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Dan Philps webinar on LLMs in Investment Management: Risk and Opportunity

Dan Philps and Alan Lok were Keynotes at the CFA Society Singapore event. They presented a webinar on applying LLMs to investment management and finance.

Wed 03 Jul 2024, 16:35 | Tags: Dan Philps, LLM

ChatGPT: The Origins, the Hype, the Opportunity

With the emergence of ChatGPT, large language models (LLMs) have captured the zeitgeist, and the future opportunities and pitfalls they imply for finance and investment management are enormous. For a small elite of high-tech investment managers, LLMs provide another systematic tile in an ever-expanding mosaic. But for most, they represent the starting whistle of a tech arms race many had hoped to avoid.

Mon 08 Jan 2024, 09:04 | Tags: Dan Philps LLM AI & Machine Learning

How Generative AI distorts human sentiment

Using Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) can alter the sentiment of the original text, making the outcome unreliable, researchers have found.

The paper, Who’s Speaking, Machine or Man? How Generative AI Distorts Human Sentiment, has been published by leading academics at the Gillmore Centre for Financial Technology at Warwick Business School.

Sun 24 Dec 2023, 16:44 | Tags: Ashkan Eshghi LLM AI & Machine Learning

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