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A Gen AI approach to FI portfolio construction.

Szymon Kubiak, Tillman Weyde, Oleksandr Galkin, Dan Philps, Ram Gopal, present a novel process for generating synthetic datasets tailored to assess asset allocation methods and construct portfolios within the fixed income universe. Our approach begins by enhancing the CorrGAN model to generate synthetic correlation matrices. Subsequently, we propose an Encoder-Decoder model that samples additional data conditioned on a given correlation matrix. The resulting synthetic dataset facilitates in-depth analyses of asset allocation methods across diverse asset universes. Additionally, we provide a case study that exemplifies the use of the synthetic dataset to improve portfolios constructed within a simulation-based asset allocation process.
Mon 04 Dec 2023, 13:54 | Tags: Dan Philps AI & Machine Learning Ram Gopal

Dan Philps is a key note discussing Data Science and LLMS with CFA

Dr Dan Philps was a keynote at a CFA Indonesia webinar: Introduction to Data Science for Investment Professionals.

Fri 20 Oct 2023, 16:36 | Tags: Dan Philps, LLM

How Should Stock Analysts Use Prompts for ChatGPT?

Daniel Philps, Head of Rothko Investment Strategies and Co-Leader of Machine Learning at the Gillmore Centre for Financial Technology at Warwick Business School.

2023, termed Generative AI’s ‘breakout year,’ has seen generative AI techniques continually advancing, researchers are exploring new applications and pushing the boundaries of what can be generated.

Wed 20 Sep 2023, 10:18 | Tags: Dan Philps AI & Machine Learning

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