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Make a gift to support Warwick Scholars


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When you joined us in the 60s, the campus looked very different to how it does now. So did the clothes, the hairdos, the cars. We had no union building, no Arts Centre and no Sports hub. What we did have - aside from muddy fields - was a pioneering spirit that has continued through to today. You were a part of it then, and we would like you to be a part of it again now.

The four scholarships we want to offer will go to students who will be pioneers in their own right. With the help of your gift, they will forge ahead, just like Faryaal has, to make a better future for themselves and for society.

Here's a few facts about how your gift could make a difference:

  • £75 could cover one week of a scholarship bursary

  • £150 could enable a scholar to participate in a networking or cultural event

  • £300 could cover one month of a scholarship bursary

  • £2,000 could fund an entire scholarship bursary for one year

Could you be a part of something special today and give to the next generation of Warwick students?

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Gift Aid increases the value of your donation at no additional cost to you. By choosing "yes" you confirm that you are a UK taxpayer and you agree to this Gift Aid Declaration (opens in new tab).

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