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Yi Ting Loo

Voices of the AllianceInca Hide-Wright

We invited researchers, staff, students and graduates to share their views of the Monash Warwick Alliance.

Give a brief overview of who you are and what you are studying at the Alliance?

I am an MSc student at MathSys II CDT and my main research interests are mathematical and computational biology and biophysical modelling.I was one of the University of Warwick Student Directors for ICUR 2021.

What was your involvement with the Alliance?

The main responsibility for ICUR Student Directors is to coordinate with staff members to help organise the event throughout the year in multiple ways. For example we would handling social media pages for promoting ICUR, review abstract submissions, inviting guest speakers and chairing sessions.

What did you learn from this experience?

I felt really lucky to be able to participate in ICUR as a student director this year as the role aligns with my career goals to become a scientific researcher. Throughout this experience, I was not only able to meet and work with students from all over the world, but also connect with professional researchers who are distinguished in their respective fields. I also really enjoyed handling the social media platforms for ICUR and at the same time encouraging and providing support to undergraduates in their research journey, having been through the experience myself.

What are your future plans?

I am currently doing my Masters in Mathematics of Real-world Systems as part of the University of Warwick MathSys CDT programme, and will be pursuing a PhD after that in the area of mathematical modelling of biological systems.

What advice would you offer other students thinking about getting involved with the Alliance?

I would definitely encourage students to go for it, particularly in joining ICUR, as it is truly an amazing initiative by the Alliance, to encourage undergraduates to present their work on an international platform which you would not want to miss out on! Whether you are interested in joining as a participant or the organizing team, it is definitely a platform where you can practice your public speaking skills and organisational skills as well as meeting fantastic people!

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