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Departmental news

Philosophy Department Mentoring Success

Dr John Michael, of The University of Warwick and Central European University (Budapest), has played a key mentoring role in the early career success of Robert Bing, who is a student at Lynbrook High School in Lynbrook, New York, USA. Robert Bing has just had an article published which consolidates his recent research, supported by Dr Michael, into the design of robots.

Wed 27 Jun 2018, 14:06 | Tags: Home Page

New Publication: 'Perceptual Ephemera', edited by Thomas Crowther (Warwick) and Clare Mac Cumhaill (Durham)

'Perceptual Ephemera' published by Oxford University Press (June 2018) is the first collective philosophical study of the perception of non-substantial objects, such as shadows, rainbows and reflections. It sets out to explore these unusual, marginal and neglected aspects of the perceived world in fifteen new essays. As well as research on the 'visibillia' already mentioned, the volume includes essays on sounds, smells, transparency, absences, camoufage, solidity and ambient vision.

Tue 26 Jun 2018, 14:59 | Tags: Home Page, Publication

Warwick Impact Leave Scheme 2018/19: Deadline for Applications 31 July 2018

The University of Warwick has recently introduced a new 'Impact Leave' scheme for the academic years 2018/19 and 2019/20, to support the development of REF2021 impact case studies. This scheme will provide study leave for key staff where dedicated time is essential to prepare for high quality REF impact case studies. This process is entirely separate from Study Leave, and does not impact the latter in any way.

Deadlines for consideration of applications for academic year 2018/19 will be 31 July 2018 and 30 September 2018

Deadline for consideration of applications for the academic year 2019/20 will be 31 January 2019; 31 March 2019 and 30 June 2019. Applications approved by the Department will be reviewed by the Pro Vice Chancellor (Research) and the appropriate Chair of Faculty, prior to consideration by the Provost, on behalf of the Academic Staff Committee.

Mon 25 Jun 2018, 13:26 | Tags: Home Page

Staff News

Stephen Butterfill and Diarmuid Costello have both been appointed Professors in Philosophy.

Professor Butterfill's research has focused on philosophical issues in the areas of cognitive and developmental psychology but current projects include research related to joint action and mind reading. He is also at present involved with a number of theoretical and experimental collaborations with scientific colleagues.

Professor Costello's research involves both analytic and continental approaches to aesthetics and the philosophy of art, informed by recent debates in art history and theory. His book 'On Photography: A Philosophical Inquiry' (London, Routledge), was published in October 2017.

Thu 21 Jun 2018, 10:32 | Tags: Home Page

Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society/Oxford Academic: 'Moral Value and Objectivity - A Virtual Issue' edited by Guy Longworth

Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society and Oxford Academic have launched 'Moral Value and Objectivity - A Virtual Issue', edited by Guy Longworth. The papers in this collection have been chosen from previous volumes of Proceedings as potentially illuminating the nature of moral values and directives. More specifically, each of the papers engages with questions about the extent to which our moral attitudes purport to reflect objective features of the world we share.

Further information, see here:

Thu 14 Jun 2018, 10:24 | Tags: Home Page, Publication

Philosophy Department to Launch Student Work Placement Intercalated Year

The Philosophy Department are launching a new option for students who are interested in undertaking a year long work placement as part of their studies. Students who are keen to take up this option can now apply, at the end of years 1 or 2, to transfer on to intercalated versions of their current philosophy programme, on which the intercalated year is spent on work placement. (Students will have to arrange the placement themselves). During their intercalated year, students will take a special module, requiring a report on their placement year; this will be marked pass/fail, and those who fail revert to the initial 3-year variant of their programme. This means that students can work for a year in the midst of their studies without taking temporary withdrawal, and their doing so will be reported on their transcripts.

Please contact Guy Longworth ( for further information and if you have any questions.

Thu 31 May 2018, 11:34 | Tags: Home Page, Undergraduate

Marc Sanders Foundation Public Philosophy Award 2018

Marc Sanders Foundation have announced competition details for their Public Philosophy Award 2018, which this year features two prizes: one for an upublished essay, and one for an essay published within a year of the deadline. The deadline for both is 15 September 2018. The award of $4,500 is offered for each essay. Additionally, the top three unpublished essays will be reviewed by the Editorial Director and a Senior Editor at Aeon magazine, with a view to possible publication. Those essays which are not accepted for publication will be given a written report from the Senior Editor with regard to strengths and weaknesses and with suggestions for alternative avenues for publication.

All enquiries should be sent to Barry Maguire at

Tue 29 May 2018, 11:28 | Tags: Home Page

Annual Birmingham-Nottingham-Warwick (BNW) Graduate Conference: Thursday 14 June 2018 at The University of Nottingham

The second annual BNW Graduate Conference 2018 taking place on Thursday 14 June 2018 will provide an opportunity for students from each University to present their current work, and to receive informed feedback from a dedicated respondent who works in another Department but in a similar discipline. This conference will allow participants - those giving presentations - respondents and audience members - the opportunity to engage and benefit from research-focused discussions, and will help develop the foundations for innovative excellence in research and collaboration. The proceedings will include a keynote speech, delivered by a member of staff from Nottingham's Philosophy Department, which will highlight current research interests at the University.

Organisers from Warwick University are Simon Wimmer, Giulia Luvisotto, Chenwei Nie and Leonello Gambi.

Wed 16 May 2018, 10:05 | Tags: Home Page Conference Postgraduate

New Publication: 'The Government of Desire: A Geneology of the Liberal Subject' by Professor Miguel de Beistegui

This new title by Professor Miguel de Beistegui, published by the University of Chicago Press (May 2018) is a thought-provoking and original commentary exploring the concept of freedom and unfreedom, and what makes the human animal both governed and ungovernable. Professor de Beistegui draws on his extensive research in the fields of philosophy, political theory and psychoanalysis to argue persuasively for a sovereign and anarchic form of desire.

Wed 09 May 2018, 11:28 | Tags: Home Page, Publication

'Should We Have a Right Not to be Lonely?' A Short Film by Professor Kimberley Brownlee is Launched by the BBC

Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), Nobel Laureate, famously observed: "What is that terrible loneliness" where "one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold, unfathomable, lifeless abyss". In a short and beautifully crafted film, produced in association with the BBC Ideas 'How it feels to be Human' strand, Professor Brownlee explores ways in which our society can aim to combat loneliness.

See link below:

Wed 09 May 2018, 10:19 | Tags: socialsciences, Home Page

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