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Departmental news

The Department of Philosophy Welcomes Dr Tobias Keiling

The Philosophy Department is delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Tobias Keiling, who joins the Department as Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the Centre for Research in Post-Kantian Philosophy. Dr Keiling was previously a lecturer at the University of Bonn, Germany, and an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at Somerville College, Oxford. Dr Keiling’s Research interests include Hermeneutics and Phenomenology, particularly Heidegger, as well as Metaphysics and Epistemology both in the history of philosophy and contemporary analytic debates.

Wed 21 Sep 2022, 14:39 | Tags: Home Page Staff

Professor Quassim Cassam FBA

Professor Quassim Cassam has been elected Fellow of The British Academy in recognition of his outstanding scholarship in the field of Philosophy. Each year The British Academy awards Fellowships to a select number of individuals who have received distinction in any branch of the Humanities and Social Sciences, and Professor Cassam is one of only 52 elections from UK Universities to be announced in 2022.

The British Academy is one of the UK’s most prestigious institutions, seeking to promote the Humanities and Social Sciences by investing in research, engaging the public, and influencing policy. It was established by Royal Charter in 1902 and celebrates its 120th anniversary this year.

Professor Quassim Cassam FBA | The British Academy

Tue 26 Jul 2022, 11:30 | Tags: impact, Home Page

Black Voices Network Career Event Profiles Philosophy Department Alumni

A Black Voices Network event took place on 17 June 2022, which was the first open invitation, in person, alumni careers event, held with the assistance and support of the Department of Philosophy.

A distinguished panel of former alumni, including Vera Okojie (FinTech Analyst at Visa / Founder of Career Confident), Hodo Hassan (Policy Advisor in the Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs), Shore Delano (Digital Project Manager at Magnum Photos/ founder of diverse theatre platform 'The Rendition'), and Gabrielle Oke (actor and visual artist) spoke engagingly to an enthusiastic audience about their career paths and achievements, and the challenges they have encountered on the way to their success. The session was chaired by Jude Folorunso (President of Warwick Philosophy Black Voices Network) and was supported by the Warwick Philosophy Black Voices Network with the generous support of Warwick Enterprise and the Innovation 2022 campaign. It is hoped that this event will become a regular feature in the academic calendar.

Thu 07 Jul 2022, 11:57 | Tags: impact, Home Page

WATE Success for the Department of Philosophy

The Philosophy Department is celebrating success in the Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence 2022.

Congratulations to Adina Covaci, who is a Finalist in this year’s Teaching Excellence Awards. Adina says: In my teaching, I pursue 3 main goals: 1) to encourage students to see the importance of philosophy beyond the classroom; 2) to get students to do philosophy and be partners in the learning process, rather than just absorb information; 3) to create an inclusive environment where student well-being is central and all voices are heard. To meet these aims, I employ a variety of active teaching methods, I focus on inclusivity, and I promote holistic learning. I continue to stay curious about how I can develop as a teacher, and I thank my students for teaching me so much!”


Many congratulations to William Gildea who is a Winner in this year’s PG WATE category. In addition, both Giulia Lorenzi and Diogo Carneiro are both awarded Commendations for their outstanding contributions to teaching this year. This is an impressive result for the Philosophy Department PGRs, and a wonderful achievement for Will, Giulia and Diogo, who have all excelled in their commitment to both teaching and the Philosophy community in 2022. Further details here: WATE PGR 2022 results

Fri 01 Jul 2022, 11:27 | Tags: impact, Home Page

Warwick Dinner Party - A Culinary and Creative Delight Served as Part of Warwick University's Resonate Festival

Dr Eileen John led a creative collaboration with the CRPLA (Centre for Research in Philosophy, Literature and the Arts), MAP (Minorities and Philosophy) and Food GRP (Global Research Priority), to produce a richly diverse, collective table-setting of dishes from across the world, to explore – and celebrate – the importance and communal benefits of people gathering to dine together, and the powerful memories that sharing food and favourite meals can evince. Over 30 place settings were designed and displayed to a wide audience. The Dinner Party took place in April 2022 as part of the University’s Resonate Festival. The initiative was inspired by Judy Chicago’s artwork The Dinner Party (1971), which set a table to commemorate women in history. Thank you to all the contributors who made the Warwick Dinner Party such a success!

Fri 01 Jul 2022, 09:44 | Tags: impact, Home Page

New Publication: 'Nietzsche's 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra' A Critical Guide'' Cambridge University Press (June 2022)

Keith Ansell-Pearson, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, has co-edited a new book with Paul S Loeb, Nietzsche’s ‘Thus Spoke Zarathustra’ A Critical Guide, just published by Cambridge University Press. See here:

In ‘Ecce Homo’, Nietzsche writes that his book ‘ Thus Spoke Zarathustra’ is the ‘greatest gift’ humanity has ever received - the ‘most elevated book’ with a ‘voice that spans over millennia’. Despite this, anglophone Nietzsche scholars have been somewhat reluctant to engage with the work he took to be his true masterpiece. Nietzsche regarded ‘Thus Spoke Zarathustra’ as his most important philosophical contribution because it proposes solutions to the problems and questions he poses in his later books – for example, his cure for the human disposition to vengefulness and his creation of new values as the antidote to nihilism. It is also the only place where he elaborates his concepts of the superhuman and the eternal recurrence of the same. In this Critical Guide, an international group of distinguished scholars analyse the philosophical ideas in ‘Thus Spoke Zarathustra’, discussing a range of topics that include literary parody as philosophical critique, philosophy as a way of life, the meaning of human life, philosophical naturalism, fatalism, radical flux, human passions and virtues, great politics, transhumanism, and ecological conscience. The volume will be invaluable for philosophers, scholas and students interested in Nietzsche’s thought.

Thu 30 Jun 2022, 10:50 | Tags: Home Page, Publication

Research Excellence in the Department of Philosophy: Bringing Philosophical Thinking into General Practice

Professor Quassim Cassam has designed a website on professional virtues in modern medicine (Professional Virtues in Modern Medicine) which has been adopted as a training module by the Royal College of General Practitioners. There are many difficult questions about the nature of general practice, and thinking about and exploring generalist virtues has helped GPs to clarify the idea of it. Professor Cassam has also organised annual training days for trainee GPs, in addition to delivering several conferences and workshops for groups over 40 General Practitioners.

Professor Cassam says: “I've always been interested in medicine, and this led me to think about the virtues of a good GP. My work has two aims: to identify the key virtues of excellent general practice and help GPs to cultivate these virtues. Most GPs have little or no philosophical training, and it is a major challenge to convince them that philosophy has anything to contribute to their professional toolkit. GPs face enormous challenges, and anything that helps them to improve is worth doing. Most GPs who have attended the training days and workshops have given me positive feedback. For many, it is important to have time set aside for reflection on their professional practice. I approached the work with humility – I hope! I'm always hugely impressed by trainee GPs and would be delighted to have contributed to their thinking about what it is to be a good GP. The beauty of this work is that GPs and philosophers have so much to learn from each other. I couldn't imagine a better environment in which to continue develop such a project, with its direct philosophical impact, than here at Warwick”.

 Web link:

 Read more from Professor QuassimLink opens in a new window [Link to full case study] 


Wed 15 Jun 2022, 08:57 | Tags: Home Page, Research

New Publication: 'Value in Modernity, The Philosophy of Existential Modernism in Nietzsche, Scheler, Sartre and Musil' by Professor Peter Poellner

Peter Poellner, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, has a new book published by Oxford University Press. In Value in Modernity, The Philosophy of Existential Modernism in Nietzsche, Scheler, Sartre, and Musil (OUP, April 2022), Professor Poellner presents an original and innovative reconstruction of a strand of philosophical modernism previously overlooked, and explores new interpretations of Nietzsche and Sartre and their ethical thought. Professor Poellner’s text also offers the first in depth interpretation in English of the philosophical centre of Musil’s The Man Without Qualities.

Value in Modernity - Peter Poellner - Oxford University Press (

Mon 13 Jun 2022, 10:19 | Tags: Home Page, Publication

Professor Stephen Houlgate is a Guest Speaker on BBC Radio 4's 'In Our Time'

Professor Stephen Houlgate was a guest on an edition of ‘In Our Time’ with Melvyn Bragg, broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on Thursday 26th May 2022. The topic for discussion was Hegel's Philosophy of History. Other speakers were Sally Sedgwick (Boston University) and Robert Stern (University of Sheffield).

A link to the programme is here: In Our Time - Hegel's Philosophy of History - BBC Sounds

Fri 27 May 2022, 09:34 | Tags: impact, Home Page

Professor Andrew Huddleston Announced as the Whitney J.Oates Visiting Fellow in the Humanities Council and Department of Philosophy at Princeton University

The Humanities Council and the Department of Philosophy at Princeton University have appointed Professor Andrew Huddleston as a Long-Term Visiting Fellow. During his Fellowship, which will commence in the Autumn of 2022, Professor Huddleston will be teaching a graduate seminar as well as continuing to undertake research on his book about the religious aspirations of art during the period from Early German Romanticism through Modernism.

Professor Huddleston is Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Centre for Research in Post-Kantian European Philosophy, and specialises particularly in 19th and 20th century European Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Ethics.


Tue 17 May 2022, 13:58 | Tags: Home Page

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