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Departmental news

ELI Publishes Pilot Innovation Paper on Guiding Principles

The European Law Institute (ELI), an independent non-profit organisation that connects over 1,600 legal professionals and organisations from Europe and beyond, published an Innovation Paper on ‘Guiding Principles for Updating the Product Liability Directive for the Digital Age’ prepared by the Law School's Professor Christian Twigg-Flesner.

Fri 22 Jan 2021, 13:13 | Tags: Publication, Research, Staff in action

Tor Krever on imperialism and international law in the New Left Review

With US president-elect Joe Biden pledging to restore the ‘rules-based order’, international lawyers have extolled the triumph of a peaceful new world over its war-torn forerunner.

Tue 15 Dec 2020, 16:03 | Tags: Publication, Staff in action

Chemical memory in plants affects chances of offspring survival

Professor Jose Gutierrez-Marcos and an international team of researchers have uncovered the mechanism that allows plants to pass on their ‘memories’ to offspring, which results in growth and developmental defects.

Press Release (1 December 2020)

Tue 01 Dec 2020, 10:29 | Tags: Publication Press Release Research Faculty of Science

Understanding lung infections in patients with cystic fibrosis

For young people with cystic fibrosis, lung infection with Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA, is common and is treated with antibiotics in the hope that this will prevent a decline in lung function. However there has recently been debate over the role S. aureus plays in CF lung disease. Dr Esther Sweeney, Dr Freya Harrison and colleagues have used a new model of CF lungs which could be used to make better decisions about future use of antibiotics.

Press Release (19 November 2020)

Thu 19 Nov 2020, 16:52 | Tags: Publication Press Release Research Faculty of Science

New Paper: The EU Rule of Law Initiative Towards the Western Balkans

The EU “Rule of Law” initiative aimed at encouraging social and political reform in the Western Balkans is struggling to make an impact in the face of domestic political indifference, and opposition to perceived external interference, argues a new paper from Western Balkans expert Dr Andi Hoxhaj.

Thu 19 Nov 2020, 11:10 | Tags: Publication, Staff in action

Scientists develop genetic ‘monitors’ that detect when genes are active

New genetic sensors, developed by Professor Alfonso Jaramillo and colleagues, could function as a lab test device and even as a live monitoring system inside living cells.

Press Release (26 October 2020)

Mon 26 Oct 2020, 16:25 | Tags: Publication Press Release Faculty of Science

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