Professor Christophe Corre
Phone: 024 765 23557
Office: D026Link opens in a new window
Twitter: @CorreLabo
Corre lab
Research Clusters
Quantitative, Systems & Engineering Biology
Warwick Centres and GRPs
Warwick Integrative Synthetic Biology Centre (WISB)
Warwick Antimicrobial Interdisciplinary Centre (WAMIC)
Warwick Environmental Systems Interdisciplinary Centre (WESIC)
Vacancies and Opportunities
For PhD and postdoctoral opportunities, and interest in potential collaborations, please contact me at the above email address.
Research Interests
Bacterial natural products are our main subject of investigation.
We particularly interested in understanding and exploiting the regulatory mechanisms that control the production of bioactive molecules (e.g. antibiotics, agrochemicals, sunscreen agent) in actinobacteria. Our work is at the interface of chemistry and biology, it focuses on three directly related research themes:
- Bacterial Transcriptional Regulators: We investigate the molecular mechanisms by which bacteria control the biosynthesis of natural products. With this aim in mind, we characterise (in vivo and in vitro) and exploit different families of transcription factors that regulate the expression of gene clusters that direct the assembly of these natural products.
- Bioactive Natural Products: Our detailed understanding of such regulatory systems then opens the way to the discovery of new bioactive natural products from gene clusters which are typically silent in the laboratory environment. Indeed, we have been able to rationally inactivate specific transcriptional repressor genes and/or overexpress transcriptional activators to discover novel antibiotic-like molecules.
- Biocatalysts: The structural diversity of such natural products relies on the activity of specialised/unique sets of enzymes able to assemble these complex structures. These proteins can be developed and exploited as biocatalysts for the manufacture of high value chemicals.