Expert Comment
Associate Professor Erin Greaves on the importance of Endometriosis awareness
“Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women and people assigned female at birth (190 million worldwide), yet it remains misunderstood, underdiagnosed, and with limited choices for management of symptoms.
Associate Professor David Armstrong on the rare Planetary Parade of seven planets
"Friday 28th is the special date, with all 7 planets other than the Earth visible in the sky - if the night is clear! This ‘great planetary alignment’ won’t happen again until 2040, as it needs all the planets to be on the same side of the Sun."
Dr Ben Green on the artificial 'super diamond', 40% harder than the real thing.
"If a method could be found to e.g., produce bulk quantities or coat other materials in it, then depending on price it might find industrial use: the most obvious application is cutting (possibly including other diamonds!)."
Dr Martine Barons: In 10 years has anything changed for Women and Girls in Science?
Reader in Statistics and the Director of the Applied Statistics & Risk Unit, The University of Warwick
“I encourage girls to get into science, including the mathematical sciences, because there is definitely a space for them. Many of us didn’t know what we wanted to do at 17 or changed paths along the way. Sharing those experiences encourages young people, it shows them that even if you don’t follow a straight path, you can still succeed.
Dr Ann Dixon: In 10 years has anything changed for Women and Girls in Science?
Reader of Biological Chemistry Department of Chemistry, The University of Warwick
“It wasn't until starting my first permanent academic post where I noticed an issue with the “leaky pipeline” of women in science. I just didn't see a problem in my early career, but I can clearly remember when it hit me like a brick, and I have actively mentored women ever since."