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Expert comment, highest Government borrowing since 1946

“This level of borrowing was both necessary and the right thing to do." Professor Abhinay Muthoo of Warwick Economics comments on the news that public sector net borrowing has reached 14.5% of gross domestic product (GDP), the highest level since 1946.

Expert comment, retail sales volumes recover

"It is crucial to note that these figures, although very positive, cover the period before the important date of 12 April when non-essential shops and outdoor dining started to open." Dr Sinem Hidir, Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick, comments on today's retail figures from ONS.

Tax Day - expert comment from Dr Arun Advani

"Tax nerds were promised a mega "tax day" today, with a number of tax consultations being published together. In principle this looked like a fantastic move. Instead we got a snooze-fest, even by tax standards." Dr Arun Advani, Assistant Professor of Economics and Impact Director, CAGE, reacts to "tax day." 

Tue 23 Mar 2021, 16:06 | Tags: Politics, Economics, Policy, Faculty of Social Science, tax, CAGE

Interest rates remain unchanged: Economist Professor Roger Farmer comments

The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee has kept interest rates on hold, maintaining the Bank Rate at 0.1% it announced today. Professor Roger Farmer of the Department of Economics comments on this latest decision, made as the UK progresses closer to further lifting of lockdown restrictions.

Thu 18 Mar 2021, 15:00 | Tags: Economics, Research

£3bn bus boost - expert comment

"Broadly, this announcement is to be welcomed; the current bus system is delivering declining numbers of services to a smaller group of people and needs to change. However, the funding promised seems to me to be very small compared with the ambition expressed." Professor Mike Waterson comments on today's announcement of a new strategy for buses.

Mon 15 Mar 2021, 14:15 | Tags: Economics, Expert comment, Research, Britain, Transport, buses

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