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Economic impact as more coronavirus restrictions eased: expert comment from Professor Abhinay Muthoo

With the UK Government further easing coronavirus restrictions this week, Professor Abhinay Muthoo from the Department of Economics discusses the economic impact that the latest measures are likely to make.

Fri 10 Jul 2020, 12:43 | Tags: Economics, Research

Tax gap falls to lowest recorded rate - expert comment from Dr Arun Advani

As HMRC reports that the tax gap, the difference between the tax owed and what is actually paid, has fallen to the lowest recorded rate, Dr Arun Advani from the Department of Economics comments that there is still work to do on reducing that gap - particularly as the UK leaves the European Union.

Thu 09 Jul 2020, 14:51 | Tags: Economics, Research, tax

Expert comment on Chancellor's Summer Statement: 'Tough choices' still ahead, but now is a good time for green policies

Yesterday, the Chancellor made his Summer Statement, with economic measures announced in a range of areas, including a home insulation scheme as part of an up to £5,000 grant to make homes more energy efficient. Dr Arun Advani, Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics, comments that these measures will need to be paid for in the long run, but now is still a good time to look at green policies.

Thu 09 Jul 2020, 10:51 | Tags: Economics, Research

MPC decision to extend quantitative easing - expert comment

Professor Roger Farmer comments on the Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee decision to extend the quantitative easing programme and keep interest rates at 0.1 per cent.

"Unprecedented times call for unprecedented policy responses" - Professor Abhinay Muthoo comments on the GDP drop

"This is unprecedented in living memory. It is hugely tragic in so many ways but especially in terms of what it has meant and means for many people’s livelihoods and for many businesses." Professor Abhinay Muthoo, Dean of Warwick in London, comments on the news that output in the UK fell by 20.4 per cent in April compared with the previous month.

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