Latest News
Wireless Internet Access in University House
The University House Atrium and Coffee Bar and Restaurant now benefit from a wireless internet ‘hotspot’, where suitably equipped laptops and handheld devices can access the internet at speeds of around 11 megabytes per second, equivalent to around twenty times as fast as a home broadband connection.
The First of Three Generations of the Same Family Studying at Warwick Graduates
Official Top 40 Top Banana Songs
Mobile Phone Reception
Union's First General Meeting of the Year!
The beauty of your Students' Union is that it's there to represent you and your views. Which is why at 17:00 today, Tuesday 21st October, you should go along to the Cooler and make sure your voice is heard.
Warwick Student Supports IT In Sierra Leone
Can You Turn Science Into Plain English?
New Library Online Catalogue
During the week beginning 18 August the Library will launch a new Web catalogue service.
Warwick Awarded Rajiv Gandhi Foundation (UK) Bursary
Warwick Skills Certificate Celebrates Successes of Students
The successes and achievements of students on the Warwick Skills Certificate programme were celebrated at a presentation on Monday 23 June. 18 of the successful students were presented with their certificates at the event.
So you have an exam tomorrow...?
You have done the revision and you are feeling relaxed and ready to face the exam. To make sure you get the most out of all your effort and achieve the results you need here are some exam tips that may help you avoid the obvious, and not so obvious, pitfalls on the day.
Procrastination - Managing Yourself
How do you spot procrastination? Well, have you developed a sudden, yet classic, interest in making hot drinks, tidying your home or office or helping others solve their problems? If so, you may be suffering from procrastination.