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Warwick Student Arts Festival 2012

Community takes the centre-stage on Sunday 24 June as the Warwick Student Arts Festival (WSAF) 2012 opens with collaborative works, bringing the local areas of Coventry and Leamington together with the student body through performance, competition and family-friendly entertainment.

Zumba Master Class

The Sports Centre is hosting a one off Zumba Master Class Event from Fit2be. Zumba is a new and exciting fitness class which uses the music and movements of latin america within an aerobic workout.
Wed 22 Sept 2010, 09:58 | Tags: Music, Sport, Workshop

Graham Crump helps Local Parents Cook

Graham Crump, Warwick Conferences' award-winning executive chef, is sharing his knowledge and skills with a group of Coventry parents as part of British Food Fortnight.
Wed 01 Sept 2010, 11:13 | Tags: Community, Education, Non Academic Staff, Workshop, charity

Knowledge Exchange Workshops

The Digital Lab Knowledge Exchange Team is holding a range of workshops tailored to best practice business needs. Led by Dr. Mark Swift the team offers expertise in a range of technologies and is here to help SMEs in the West Midlands gain competitive advantage from accessing the Digital Lab Knowledge Exchange programme. Through their Knowledge Transfer services, linked in directly to the research base and emerging technologies they can help your business succeed.
Wed 18 Aug 2010, 16:56 | Tags: Business, Workshop

Premium Automotive Research & Development (PARD) Workshops

Experience for yourself the groundbreaking new technologies that have arisen from the Premium Automotive Research & Development (PARD) programme by joining us on one of our FREE workshops or online training courses.
Wed 07 Jul 2010, 16:28 | Tags: Business, Workshop