Latest News
How poetry, story-telling and music can explain the role of the supply chain
A group of researchers from WMG at the University of Warwick are using poetry, story-telling and music to draw attention to the important role supply chains play in everyday life.
Warwick to broadcast The Royal Ballets Romeo and Juliet live on Big Screen
The greatest love story of all, Romeo and Juliet, will be beamed to The Piazza at The University of Warwick live and free of charge for members of the public on Tuesday, 22 September. Warwick is the first university and the only place in the West Midlands showing the Royal Opera House ballet performance, which starts at 7:30pm.
Public Festival of the Imagination marks 50 years of University of Warwick :
A TV chef, a pioneer of Coventry’s musical heritage and a polar explorer and will be helping to highlight the contribution the University of Warwick has made at home and abroad since it was established 50 years ago.
Warwicks X-citing X-mas X-travaganza
In the spirit of Christmas, the University of Warwick is offering a series of free, public lectures to further spark the community’s interest in science.
Autumn 2013 at Warwick Arts Centre
Warwick Arts Centre announce their Autumn programme of world class performances and artistic adventures.
Autumn Season 2012 at Warwick Arts Centre
The Warwick Arts Centre's full Autumn schedule is now available.
Warwick Student Arts Festival 2012
Community takes the centre-stage on Sunday 24 June as the Warwick Student Arts Festival (WSAF) 2012 opens with collaborative works, bringing the local areas of Coventry and Leamington together with the student body through performance, competition and family-friendly entertainment.
Peter Blegvad Wins Sony Award
Peter Blegvad, English and Creative Writing professor, has won a Silver Sony Radio Academy Award for Best Drama with his radiophonic play ‘Use It Or Lose It’.
Warwick musician broadcast on BBC Radio 3
Peter Blegvad, English and Creative Writing professor, has written and narrated ‘Use It Or Lose It’ for BBC Radio 3.
The radiophonic play, co-created by Iain Chambers, details the failing of one man’s mind. The play comprises of narrated fiction, radiophonic music and sound design to take us inside the protagonist’s mind.
Coull Quartet Celebrate the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad
The Coull Quartet will be giving an Olympic performance in Birmingham tomorrow to celebrate the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad.
The Coull Quartet remember Frederick Grinke: Wednesday 18th May, BBC Radio 3
Roger Coull and Philip Gallaway of the Coull Quartet feature in a BBC Radio3 programme about the renowned violinist and teacher Frederick Grinke, who would have been 100 this year.
Summer Season 2011 at Warwick Arts Centre
Tickets for the full line up of live events for the Summer Season at Warwick Arts Centre are now on sale.