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New trials aim to improve quality of life for autistic people as University of Warwick embraces neurodiversity this autism awareness month

The University of Warwick is proud to stand with neurodiverse communities during Autism Awareness Month. This month, the University aims to raise autism awareness and acceptance, while celebrating the diversity of all individuals that make up the University of Warwick community. According to the National Autistic Society, there are around 700,000 autistic people in the UK.

Fri 31 Mar 2023, 11:20 | Tags: autism, CEDAR, Clinical Trials

Researchers, practitioners, and experts by experience work together to help improve regulation

A new tool to help assess service quality for people with a learning disability now being piloted by the Care Quality Commission draws on a Quality of life Framework developed by University of Warwick academics with the PBS Academy and with Experts by Experience and practitioners at the CQC.

Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities study - first wave report published

Researchers are sharing what they've found from the first wave of a project listening to over 600 adults with learning disabilities and almost 400 family carers and support workers across the UK.

Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities: a study of the lives of people with learning disabilities through the coronavirus pandemic

A UK-wide coalition including the University of Warwick has today launched an inclusive survey which will ask people with learning disabilities in the UK to answer questions about their wellbeing, health, living circumstances, the support they are getting, and the impact of COVID-19 on their lives. The research team has partners in all 4 UK countries. An Easy Read press release has been issued reflecting the centring of people with learning disabilities in the research.

Mon 16 Nov 2020, 10:01 | Tags: CEDAR

Lockdown seriously affecting the mental health of informal carers, new study finds.

CEDAR's Professor Peter Langdon has been one of a team documenting the mental health of informal carers of children and adults with intellectual disability during the coronavirus pandemic. The research has found that carers of adults and children with intellectual disability were five times more likely to report severe anxiety and between four and ten times more likely to report major depression than parents of children without intellectual disability.

Warwick researchers win two of 12 new NIHR social care research grants

Dr Louise Denne, Senior Research Fellow at Warwick University’s Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research (CEDAR) and Professor Jeremy Dale from Warwick Medical School have each been awarded one of 12 new research grants from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) for their social care projects.

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