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Researchers, practitioners, and experts by experience work together to help improve regulation

A new tool to help assess service quality for people with a learning disability now being piloted by the Care Quality Commission draws on a Quality of life Framework developed by University of Warwick academics with the PBS Academy and with Experts by Experience and practitioners at the CQC.

Tue 12 Oct 2021, 12:12 | Tags: CEDAR, research, Faculty of Social Science, learning disability

Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities study - first wave report published

Researchers are sharing what they've found from the first wave of a project listening to over 600 adults with learning disabilities and almost 400 family carers and support workers across the UK.

Who's Challenging Who? - unique training project showcased online

A package of resources from a unique training programme co-created and delivered by people with learning disability has been launched today by researchers. The Who’s Challenging Who training course was developed to improve staff attitudes and empathy towards people with learning disabilities whose behaviour is or had previously been labelled as “challenging.”