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Robot hands one step closer to human thanks to WMG AI algorithms

The Shadow Robot Dexterous Hand is a robot hand, with size, shape and movement capabilities similar to those of a human hand.To give the robotic hand the ability to learn how to manipulate objects researchers from WMG, University of Warwick, have developed new AI algorithms.

Thu 03 Dec 2020, 09:45 | Tags: robots, IDH, robotics, WMG, AI, Sciences

World class AI-research to be done by Warwick academics

Three academics at the University of Warwick have been awarded Turing AI Acceleration Fellowships, in which they will develop novel AI techniques, which could have wide-ranging impact, for example through developing digital twins that can aid us in modelling and understanding air pollution and teaching robots how to collaborate amongst themselves and the world.

Fri 27 Nov 2020, 10:12 | Tags: Computer Science, robots, Statistics, IDH, robotics, WMG, AI, Sciences

Celebrating 40 years of WMG – from autonomous vehicle testing to digital healthcare

WMG an academic department at the University of Warwick was on this day, the 1st of October, 1980 started by the late Professor Lord Bhattacharyya. To celebrate, we've highlighted 40 achievements made by the department over the last 40 years.

Risk factors for mortality in diabetic patients discharged from hospital identified

When patients are discharged from Hospital those with diabetes are at an increased risk of readmission and mortality, there are guidelines for discharging patients with diabetes to reduce these risks, however researchers from the Institute of Digital Healthcare at WMG, University of Warwick and Warwick Medical School have identified known risk factors for mortality in adult patients discharged from hospital with diabetes.

Wed 02 Sep 2020, 09:12 | Tags: Health, diabetes, IDH, WMG, WMS, Sciences, Health and Medicine

C3-Cloud: the digital coordinated care platform of the future

The C3-Cloud (collaborative cure and care system) is a digital infrastructure offering integrated care capability for multi-morbidity management. It enables collaboration across a number of healthcare systems and settings, allowing clinicians to semi-automatically generate a holistic personalised care plan, which offers an integrated view of the patient’s conditions, measurements, medication and goals.

Mon 24 Aug 2020, 09:02 | Tags: Health, NHS, IDH, WMG, GPs, Sciences, Health and Medicine

Patients prefer their consent to share their data and to manage it digitally

Patients with diabetes often have to see many different stakeholders who each specialise in different aspects of their treatment. Researchers from WMG, University of Warwick surveyed patients on their understanding of how their data was shared, and found they would prefer to have it shared digitally using the Dovetail Digital consent application.

Thu 14 May 2020, 09:23 | Tags: Health, IDH, WMG, GPs, Sciences, Health and Medicine

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