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Gifted Young Muslim Celebrates British Culture in Poetry Collection

A British Asian Muslim Schoolgirl from England's National Academy for Gifted and Talented Youth has just had a volume of poetry published by League of British Muslims and Cheetah Books demonstrating how she, like many British Muslims, are proud participants in mainstream British Culture.
Mon 21 Nov 2005, 14:14 | Tags: Ethnic Relations, Education

Academics criticise racist French prisons

French prisons treat Muslims worse than English ones according to new research released by the University of Warwick.
Thu 10 Nov 2005, 13:45 | Tags: Ethnic Relations

Research says Black & Bangladeshi people underepresented in science

Black Caribbean and Bangladeshi populations are the most under-represented in science, engineering and technology (SET), in terms of occupations held and education beyond GCSEs, according to research by the University of Warwick in a report just published by the Royal Society.
Mon 13 Jun 2005, 10:25 | Tags: Ethnic Relations, Sciences

Warwick Researcher to Outline Vision of UK Ethnic Relations in 2045

University of Warwick researcher Professor Muhammad Anwar, from the University of Warwick's Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, will give his vision of what Ethnic relations in Brtian will look like in 40 years time in 2045.
Tue 07 Jun 2005, 10:35 | Tags: Social Affairs, Ethnic Relations

Baroness Amos Backs Boxing Test at University of Warwick lecture

Baroness Amos, Leader of the House of Lords and a graduate of the University of Warwick, will tonight (Wednesday 27th October) say the collective national support for Olympic boxer Amir Khan should eclipse the "infamous" Norman Tebbit "cricket test of national loyalty".

Ethnic Minorities Make More Serious Use of Computers Than Their White Neighbours

New research into disadvantaged neighbourhoods by the Universities of Warwick and Leeds for the Department for Education and Skills has found that - although in general ethnic minorities had less access to home computing and the internet than their white neighbours, they tended to use their home computers much more often than white people for educational rather than leisure purposes.
Wed 04 Aug 2004, 08:44 | Tags: Social Affairs, Ethnic Relations, Education

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