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The researchers tackling the world’s climate-driven water crisis

A safe supply of clean water is necessary for human survival – yet 2.2 billion people around the world lack access to this basic human right. A global crisis is looming on water security, which has been escalated by climate change.

£2.5m Grant awarded to establish a West Midlands Evidence Synthesis Group (ESG) to provide best evidence for health and social care

A £2.5m grant will enable researchers from the West Midlands region led by the University of Warwick to provide sound evidence to healthcare policymakers, to ensure patients and service users receive the best quality care.

Chimpanzees combine calls to communicate new meaning

Similar to humans, chimpanzees combine vocalizations into larger communicatively meaningful structures.

Thu 04 May 2023, 10:23 | Tags: University of Warwick, research, psychology

Government suggested AI framework is too limited, say technology experts

Academics at the University of Warwick are examining the controversies and public discussions around AI over the last ten years.

New discovery stops bacterial virus contamination

A new discovery by researchers at the University of Warwick could help stop bacteria being contaminated with viruses, reducing disruption and decreasing costs in industry and research.

Mon 17 Apr 2023, 17:01 | Tags: University of Warwick, research, Life Sciences, Chemistry, WMS, Sciences

George Freeman MP, Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology visits WMG at the University of Warwick

George Freeman MP, Minister of State in the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology has visited the University of Warwick.

Wed 05 Apr 2023, 10:59 | Tags: Technology, University of Warwick, WMG, research, Ukraine

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