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South African Minister Announces Leading UK Engineer to Help Run Transport Network

South Africa’s Public Enterprises Minister Jeff Radebe has announced that Professor Sir Kumar Bhattacharrya, Director of the Warwick Manufacturing Group at the University of Warwick, has been appointed as a new Board Member of Transnet Limited - which operates and controls South Africa's major transport infrastructure.

Economist Says Trading Life for Identity is Key to the "Logic" of Suicide Terrorism

Suicide terrorism seems to many to defy logic. Economists find the idea particularly hard to understand in the context of economic theories that are usually based on ideas of self interest: surely self interest must preclude self killing. But now a new research paper by Professor Mark Harrison an economist at the University of Warwick says that the value placed on personal identity by suicide terrorists provides some of the answers.
Wed 28 Jul 2004, 14:47 | Tags: Politics and International Studies, Ethnic Relations

Graduate Poet Battles Against Racism with Dub Hip-Hop and Degree

Richard Grant, a prolific West Midlands poet from Rugby, has just completed a 2+2 degree in Social Studies at the University of Warwick, and is using his skills and newfound talent for poetry to help reduce racism and bring poetry back to the people.

Mon 26 Jul 2004, 12:24 | Tags: Social Affairs, Ethnic Relations

Coventry's Race Equality Council Partners with University of Warwick

Coventry's Race Equality Council is partnering with the University of Warwick to help the city's public sector bodies meet the challenges of the new Race Relations Amendment Act. The University has agreed to host on behalf of Coventry Racial Equality Council a half-day workshop specially designed to help local public sector bodies with the new Race Relations Amendment Act on the morning of Wednesday 27th November.

University Celebrates Jamaican Dancehall Culture and 'Riddims'

Erotic Disguise: (Un)dressing the Body in Jamaican Dancehall Culture
5.30 pm, 12th November, Arts Centre Conference Room, University of Warwick

Dancehall Culture, a tradition that has profoundly influenced Western music and culture, is the topic of this year's Walter Rodney Memorial Lecture delivered by Professor Carolyn Cooper from the University of the West Indies, Jamaica on 12th November at 5.30pm at the Arts Centre, University of Warwick.
Fri 23 Jul 2004, 09:34 | Tags: Social Affairs, Ethnic Relations, Arts

Commonwealth told African economies should rely on science not cheap labour and foreign aid

Professor Kumar Bhattacharryya, leader of the UK University of Warwick’s internationally renowned Warwick Manufacturing Group is to tell senior policy figures at the 21st Commonwealth Science Council Meeting, Johannesburg, South Africa on Monday 9th June that African and other developing economies should invest in science technology and innovation and not simply rely on cheap labour and unpredictable foreign Aid.

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