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First JWST observations of a ‘Kilonova’ merger of two stars

For the first time, the JWST has observed the rare merger of two dense neutron stars (known as a kilonova) – in a spiral galaxy a billion light years away.

Wed 25 Oct 2023, 16:13 | Tags: Physics, Astrophysics, research, Space, astronomy, Sciences

Satellite swarm to provide ‘missing link’ between space weather and space debris

The European Space Agency (ESA) has funded a new mission concept involving a “swarm” of satellites to address the growing threat of space debris. The news comes as just this week the US government issued its first ever fine to a company for leaving space junk orbiting the Earth.

Thu 05 Oct 2023, 13:44 | Tags: Physics, Astrophysics, research, Space, astronomy, Sciences

The fourth state of matter: How Sun's plasma could help answer humanity's challenges

Scientists are studying plasma in the Sun’s atmosphere, to help address some of humanity’s greatest challenges – from harnessing an endless source of green energy to building knowledge of the Earth’s climate.

Two-faced star exposed in first for astronomy

An unusual white dwarf star is made of hydrogen on one side and helium on the other.

Wed 19 Jul 2023, 16:25 | Tags: Physics, Astrophysics, research, Space, astronomy, Sciences

Play ‘spot the difference’ to help scientists identify cosmic explosions

Members of the public are invited to take part in a brand new citizen science project to identify cosmic explosions in real-time.

Wed 19 Jul 2023, 09:32 | Tags: Physics, Astrophysics, research, Space, astronomy, Sciences

‘Sandwich’ discovery offers new explanation for planet formation

Scientists have made a new discovery on how small planets might form.

Mon 03 Jul 2023, 10:22 | Tags: Physics, Astrophysics, research, astronomy, planet

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