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‘Sandwich’ discovery offers new explanation for planet formation

Scientists have made a new discovery on how small planets might form.

Mon 03 Jul 2023, 10:22 | Tags: Physics, Astrophysics, research, astronomy, planet

Small stars may host bigger planets than previously thought

Stars with less than half the mass of our Sun are able to host giant Jupiter-style planets, in conflict with the most widely accepted theory of how such planets form, according to a new study led by UCL and University of Warwick researchers.

Thu 23 Mar 2023, 09:55 | Tags: Physics, Space, planet

Clearing the skies for Santa this Christmas: The researchers tackling junk in space

As scores of children prepare to look to the skies this Christmas Eve, they will be relieved to know scientists are helping to clear a path for Santa in space.

Star’s death will play a mean pinball with rhythmic planets

Four planets locked in a perfect rhythm around a nearby star are destined to be pinballed around their solar system when their sun eventually dies, according to a study led by the University of Warwick that peers into its future.

Fri 11 Jun 2021, 09:39 | Tags: Physics, Astrophysics, research, Space, astronomy, planet

Fifty new planets confirmed in machine learning first

Fifty potential planets have had their existence confirmed by a new machine learning algorithm developed by University of Warwick scientists.

Tue 25 Aug 2020, 09:43 | Tags: Physics, Astrophysics, Statistics, AI, planet, Sciences

Double dust ring test could spot migrating planets

New research by a team led by an astrophysicist at the University of Warwick has a way of finally telling whether newly forming planets are migrating within the disc of dust and gas that typically surrounds stars or whether they are simply staying put in the same orbit around the star.

Wed 17 Oct 2018, 10:22 | Tags: Physics, Astrophysics, research, planet, Sciences

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