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Pen pal is powerful boost to prisoner wellbeing

Prisoners’ lives can be significantly improved – and sometimes even saved – for the price of a stamp according to University of Warwick research.

Mon 09 Nov 2015, 11:20 | Tags: Law, University of Warwick, mental health, writing

Depression and weight gain in pregnancy linked to sitting down

A link between depression in pregnancy and long periods of sitting down has been identified by researchers from the University of Warwick.

Wed 04 Nov 2015, 15:32 | Tags: Health WMS mental health 1 - Research

Therapy could help chronic pain sufferers get a good night’s sleep

Research conducted at the University of Warwick indicates that chronic pain sufferers could benefit from therapy to help them sleep better.

Mon 02 Nov 2015, 10:11 | Tags: WMS cancer mental health psychology 1 - Research

Warwick psychiatrist’s research inspires play

The huge challenges of caring for a teenager with psychosis is being brought to the stage in a new play by an Olivier award-winning writer.

Maths skills count for premature babies

A new study conducted by the University of Warwick links being born premature with low earning ability.

Tue 01 Sep 2015, 14:06 | Tags: Health, Health and Medicine, WMS, mental health, psychology

Research links premature birth to withdrawn personality

New research indicates that adults born very premature are more likely to be socially withdrawn and display signs of autism.

Fri 24 Jul 2015, 12:21 | Tags: Health WMS mental health psychology 1 - Research

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