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WMG academic joins Department for Transport’s Science Advisory Council

Dr Siddartha Khastgir from WMG, University of Warwick, has been appointed to be on the DfT’s Science Advisory Council, where he will advise on a wide range of science and engineering issues, such as enrolment of Autonomous Vehicles.

Fri 14 Jan 2022, 11:47 | Tags: autonomous vehicles, Engineering, Sciences, transport, WMG

Wheely good start for University of Warwick sustainable transport strategy

Staff, students and visitors at the University of Warwick have embraced the new West Midlands Cycle Hire scheme, with more than half of the university’s base stations consistently in the top ten across the whole West Midlands region by trips made. The campus e-scooter trial has also proved popular with almost 50,000 rides being taken since the scheme’s launch. These two-wheel transport schemes are part of the University’s commitment to encouraging staff, students and visitors to swop car journeys for more sustainable modes of transport such as cycling and public transport

Wed 10 Nov 2021, 12:13 | Tags: COP26, Environment, micromobility, transport

Coventry’s Affordable Very Light Rail Track Unveiled

· As part of Coventry Very Light Rail (VLR), Coventry City Council’s flagship transport project, a novel track form has been designed and manufactured by researchers from WMG, University of Warwick, together with their design partners Ingerop/Rendel.

Mon 27 Sept 2021, 13:25 | Tags: automotive, Coventry, Coventry VLR, electric vehicles, innovation, transport, UK, VLR, WMG

Huge new 48+ hectare public eco park plan announced for University of Warwick campus

eco park artist's impressionThe University of Warwick has today, Thursday 17th June, submitted a proposal to create a huge new 48+ hectare public eco park on the south side of its campus for consideration in the South Warwickshire Local Plan.

University of Warwick and WMG already on route with today’s CBI demand for “Greener Miles”

Future VLR vehicle on tour of Coventry

The University of Warwick is not just backing today’s CBI report ‘Greener Miles: Delivering on a net-zero vision for commuting’ – which calls on businesses to shoulder greater responsibility for ensuring their workers adopting greener travel habits – it has already taken action with a two year extensive programme to cut personal car use on campus and therefore reduce emissions.

Fri 30 Apr 2021, 09:33 | Tags: Batteries, Environment, VLR, WMG, automotive, autonomous vehicles, cars, transport

Warwick students qualify into finals of Elon Musk’s tunnelling competition

A team of students called The Warwick Boring Team are heading to LA this summer to compete in Elon Musk’s the Boring Company’s tunnelling competition. They will build their tunnelling machine and test it against competitors to get top spot.

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