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Vibrant and colourful Canley Parade to take place this weekend

This Saturday, 22nd June, hundreds of Canley residents will take to the streets for an exciting and multi-coloured procession for all ages.

University of Warwick housing retrofitting workshops to help tackle fuel poverty in Coventry

The University of Warwick, in collaboration with Coventry City Council (CCC), have come together to tackle fuel poverty and climate change in Radford.

Tue 14 May 2024, 10:09 | Tags: Coventry, energy

Arctic Explorer aims to break World Record – with help from University of Warwick engineering students

An explorer is aiming to create a new world record for the longest continuing solo science based expedition trip across the Arctic, using a power source created by engineering students at The University of Warwick.

Tue 27 Feb 2024, 17:02 | Tags: WMG, Engineering, Coventry

Warwick joins with local partners to further boost city’s growing reputation for culture

The University of Warwick has joined forces with Coventry University and Coventry City Council for an ambitious 10-year plan to enhance the city’s growing reputation as a major centre for culture and arts.

Thu 15 Jun 2023, 16:00 | Tags: council, Coventry

Silence speaks a thousand words

Researchers at the University of Warwick are working with a professional storyteller to bring a 13th century story about nonbinary gender identity to new audiences.

100 days to go until the British Transplant Games kick off at the University of Warwick

The University of Warwick will be hosting the 2023 British Transplant Games from July 27th to 30th. This event, which celebrates the incredible achievements of athletes who have received transplants, will be held in partnership with the West Midlands Organ Donation Services and Coventry City Council.

Tue 18 Apr 2023, 08:56 | Tags: Warwick Sport, Coventry, Organ Transplant

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