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Dementia Action Week: University of Warwick calls for volunteers for groundbreaking Alzheimer’s screening tests

For Dementia Action Week, WMG at the University of Warwick, together with Superlunary Labs, are doubling their efforts to develop a low-cost, non-intrusive method for the early screening of Alzheimer’s Disease using a simple flavour test which can be undertaken as part of a regular health check-up by a nurse, at a pharmacy or community centre.

Wed 15 May 2024, 12:00 | Tags: WMG, dementia

Protein biomarkers predict dementia 15 years before diagnosis – according to new study

In the largest study of its kind, scientists have shown how protein “biomarkers” predict dementia 15 years before diagnosis.

Students at the University of Warwick show benefits of social prescribing for dementia

Students at the University of Warwick are leading social prescribing research for dementia, highlighting the benefits of this innovative approach during Dementia Action Week.

Wed 17 May 2023, 11:15 | Tags: WMS, dementia

Social isolation is directly associated with later dementia - research finds

Social isolation is directly linked with changes in the brain structures associated with memory, making it a clear risk factor for dementia, scientists have found.

Memory processes depend on protein ‘off-switch’ – could lead to new Alzheimer’s treatments

Memory, learning and cognitive flexibility depend on a protein ‘off-switch’ in the brain, according to a breakthrough discovery made by an international research collaboration co-led by the University of Warwick.

Moderate to high intensity exercise does not slow cognitive decline in people with dementia

Moderate to high intensity exercise does not slow cognitive (mental) impairment in older people with dementia, finds a trial led by a University of Warwick researcher

Thu 17 May 2018, 10:22 | Tags: Health, NHS, dementia, Health and Medicine