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Inequality Research

The University of Warwick supports and has a number of research areas focusing on data for the social good, inequality, and social justice. These span departments of Psychology, the Warwick Business School, and Economics. Warwick is interested in developing this research further, so if you are aware of further connections or opportunities to do so, please let us know.

Professor Nattuvandh (Nick) Powdthavee
Buying happiness in an unequal world: Rank of income more strongly predicts well-being in more unequal countries
Top incomes and human well-being: Evidence from the Gallup World Poll

Dr Gitit Kadar-Sadat
Who's coding?

Dr Clement Ibert
Covid-19 lockdown and migrant workers: Survey of vocational trainees from Bihar and Jharkland
Covid-19: Expected migrant workers as lockdown eases

Dr Michaela Gummerman
The influence of Adult and Peer role Models on Children's and Adolescent's Sharing Decisions

Dr Arun Advarni
How exclusion of capital gains from income stats causes us to undermeasure inequality (top 1% share)
Distribution of wealth in the UK
Contribution of migrants to UK income inequality
(Lack of) study of racial/ethnic inequality
Inequality in tax rates in UK, even among people with same income/remuneration
Contribution of a wealth tax to reducing inequality
Ethnic inequality in take up of economics at university in UK
Importing Inequality: Immigration and the top 1 percent
Capital Gains and Inequality
How much tax do the rich really pay? New evidence from tax microdata
Who gains? The importance of accounting for capital gains
The UK'S wealth distribution and characteristics of high wealth households
Revenue and distributional modelling for a wealth tax
A wealth tax for the UK
The case for a one of wealth tax
Race Related research in Economics and other Social Sciences
Ethnic diversity in UK economics
A level Economics is a gateway to the economics profession
Economics in the UK has a diversity problem that starts in schools and colleges
Household energy use in Britain: a distributional analysis
How can Fiscal Policies Be Designed To Protect The Poor? The Equity-efficiency Trade-off in Environmental Taxation
Insurance Networks and Poverty Traps

Want to share your research on inequality with us?

We would welcome the submission of any articles and publications on the area of social good, inequality, and social justice.

We can promote both working papers and peer published articles on this webpage, so please get in touch!

To include your research on this page, please send links and publications to-