Productivity, Performance and Inward Investment
In collaboration with the Productivity Institute
Monday 11th January @ 11am GMT
How can you build a bedrock excellence for productivity? What leadership practices could firms develop to accelerate their journey to Supply Chain Productivity?
In our first webinar of the 2021 series, Professor Jan Godsell, Professor Nigel Driffield and Clive Reynolds will provide reflections on value creation at firm level, what firms could do improve High Performance Working and Productivity and what this means for policy makers.
Presenter Biographies and Presentation Topics
This project will report some findings from our ESRC project “from productivity to prosperity” – looking at the extent to which inward investment plays a role in driving productivity in the west midlands. We look specifically at which sectors benefit from inward investment, and the drivers of these gains, both in terms of the make up of sectors in the region, but also the types of inward investment that they attract.
'Supply Chain Productivity in Practice'
Professor Jan Godsell
Professor Jan Godsell presents the findings of a survey of over 250 UK firms, from manufacturing, retail, hospitality and professional services. It will compare and contrast their current levels of supply chain productivity, how management practices linked to planning and technology adoption contribute to this. This presentation builds on concepts explored in The Supply Chain in Practice (SCIP) webinar Perspectives on Supply Chain Productivity
Relating Productivity to Organisational Context
Strategic Capability Network
Productivity Insights Network (PIN)
Clive Reynolds
Our previous work and others’ research confirms widespread lack of engagement at both organisational and employee level with ‘Productivity’. This project has used engagement as the trigger for an organisation to understand and establish its own unique value-adding, productive environment. In doing so it exorcised a few myths and created a model we will share with you that also has the potential to deliver Customer Intimacy – a key ingredient of Value Creation.’