Automated lecture capture
Listen again, understand more
Free students to think and engage in lectures
Free students to think and engage in lectures
Encourage better note taking practices, and help students gain more from your teaching.
Lecture captures offer a simple and effective learning tool for students, helping them engage with lecture content both during and after the class.
- Lessen student anxiety about struggling with key and threshold concepts
- Rewatching specific content helps students with problem areas, helping them catch up when they are struggling
- Selective watching of captured content a few days after a lecture can help with adding detail to notes and compounding learning
Lecture capture at Warwick with Echo360
Echo360 is installed in over 200 centrally timetabled and departmental teaching rooms across campus, offering a no-hassle, automated capture and distribution via Moodle.
- Schedule lectures for recording in Lecture Capture-enabled rooms
- Control what you capture, when you release and how it is distributed
- Students access recordings directly from your Moodle space
- Capture overhead projectors, chalkboards, slides or podium (select rooms only)
Step One - Submit your consent form
A schedule cannot be created unless a consent form has been submitted.
You are only required to submit this form once.
Step Two - Schedule your recordings
Check the room booking details are correct for module recordings.
Read the scheduling guide.Link opens in a new window
Complete the recording booking form.
Follow our guides to get started
Example Recipes - How automated lecture capture can be used to enhance your teaching.
Recipe description 1