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Meet Education Policy and Quality - Lynne Bayley

What is your role and what are you responsible for?

My job title is Senior Policy Advisor (Assessment). I have ongoing responsibility for training for Boards of Examiners, the Institutional Board of Examiners, Senate Sub-Group and analysis of assessment and Award trends. The assessment in my job title covers a wide range of activities, so I usually focus on one or two assessment-related projects at a time.

How long have you worked at Warwick, and what did you do before that?

I have worked at Warwick for more than 11 years (and yes, I’m worried about becoming institutionalised)! I started in the Chemistry Department in 2012, then moved to Statistics in 2018 before joining EPQ in 2022.

What projects are you currently working on, and what’s coming up?

I am currently drawing on my Department experience to develop processes and guidance for replacing marks and considering students at Boards of Examiners. I am hoping to get back to more normal EPQ activities soon and work on a project scoping out reform of our Academic Regulations.

What does a typical day look like?

I have a great mix of different activities, which means there’s no typical day for me. Today I’ve had two scheduled meetings, delivered a Boards of Examiners training session, had some ad hoc calls with Department colleagues, started a data analysis piece on academic misconduct reporting and success rates after resit without residence, and started writing a committee paper.

What’s your favourite thing about your role?

The people that I work with are definitely my favourite thing about my role! I get to work with a wide range of people in departments as well as EPQ and other central services. I love the sense of camaraderie.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I have two kids (aged 5 and 7) and I enjoy playing board games, making lego and going for walks with them. When I get a chance, I enjoy being creative and making things. I tend to pick up a crafting hobby and get obsessed for a while before moving onto the next hobby. At the moment, the hobby of choice is making bags, but it’s recently been embroidery, cartonnage, needle felting and sewing.

What is your favourite book, and your favourite film?

Favourite book and favourite film are difficult questions! I can narrow down to three favourite authors: Terry Pratchett, Isaac Asimov and Trudi Canavan. Two favourite films are The Princess Bride and Starship Troopers.

If you could teleport anywhere right now, where would you go?

Venice, but I’d rather go on the Orient Express.

Cats or dogs? Tea or coffee? City or countryside?

Cats. Coffee in the morning, tea in the evening. City (even though I live in the countryside).

What advice would you give your 18-year-old self?

My 18-year-old self wasn’t very good at listening to advice, so I’m not sure giving any would be a good idea! I’ve made a lot of mistakes and learnt from them; being willing to listen to advice to not make the mistakes in the first place is one of the things that I only learnt later in life.

Thu 26 Oct 2023, 15:02 | Tags: Team news