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 Getting Involved in ITLR 2023

Shape the future of education at Warwick - play your part in the ITLR

The next Institutional Teaching and Learning Review will involve hundreds of staff, students and stakeholders through the 38 departmental reviews and the university-wide thematic workshops in 2022/23. There is also the opportunity for you to play a more active role beyond your own department by joining a review panel or helping us to decide how the ITLR itself is run.

Colleagues who have been involved in ITLR before tell us that it is an informative and rewarding professional experience, which builds knowledge and connections to help in your current role and with career progression.

Join or chair a review panel

We will allocate a review panel for each of the 38 reviews of academic and professional services departments. Each panel includes academic and professional services staff (one of whom will chair the panel) from other departments, a student member and an external panel member. This is a brilliant opportunity to help another department evaluate its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and to bring new learning back to your own department. We expect the commitment to be concentrated between October 2022 and April 2023.

For a further breakdown of review panel composition and responsibilities, please see our "Who's Included?"Link opens in a new window page.

Manage a departmental review as part of the Secretariat team

Each departmental review panel will include two professional services staff who act as Secretary and Assistant Secretary to the review. This involves managing the review process with the panel chair, organising the review panel's findings and analysis into clear conclusions, and drafting the review report that informs the department's development for several years to come. We expect the commitment to be concentrated between October 2022 and April 2023.

For a further breakdown of Secretariat composition and responsibilities, please see our "Who's Included?" page.