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Nicholas Jackson

Can you please state your name and role in the ITLR?

I'm Nicholas Jackson. I'm an assistant professor in the maths and economics department and I'm a panel member for the classics in ancient history ITLR.

How has your role in university contributed to discussions in the panel?

I think that working in two departments, I've already sort of got 2 slightly different views of the way things happen in different departments. I think that's been quite interesting to see variations in yet another department.

How do you think your participation in the ITLR will impact your work going forward?

So I think my involvement in the ITLR process, its been fascinating to see what another department does and how things work.

And its been very inspiring and its given me some ideas of things to think about of my own teaching practice. And also its been sort of an experience of participating in academic leadership, which I think I'm quite interested to learn more about my career advancement.

What's been the highlight of the ITLR for you?

So although I'm a mathematician, I did Latin at school many, many years ago and its since then its been something that I've always been quite interested in. So its been a wonderful opportunity to learn a bit more about Latin and Greek and related subjects at Warwick and its rekindled my interest a bit in the subject as well. So its something I'm going to look into further.

What advice would you give to a colleague that said they were going to take part in the ITLR in their own institution?

I would say yes. I would say you definitely go for it. Its been a really interesting project to be part of, to participate in and it has given me an insight into other departments and other aspects of teaching and education.